Simulacra and Stimulation

Episode 197 — Released Jul 26 2024
AI chat bots are everywhere, and yet the one place dudes on the internet still can’t manage to get is in their pants.
Replika is one of the more bullshit of bullshit AI friends, in that it promises to be unique to you rather than just dump all the data when you close the session. Except it totally does still do that, which means every time a guy tries to goad his Replika into enacting his cuckold fantasies, he’ll just have to do it all over again the next time thus prolonging the denial, making cuckoldry one of the only things AI is consistently good at.
Anyway the rest of the dudes here mostly type the way they think and then Replika doesn’t want to fuck them. Isn’t that strange?
This week, Extra Credit *looks down*.
With THE LESBIATHAN, Chai Tea Latte, Frank West, and Shell Game
Edited by Shell Game
Content provided by Vampire Software
Cover art by Shell Game
Subject featured
Music used
- Deeper Understanding by Kate Bush
- Electric Lady by Janelle Monae