alt.horror.werewolves was once a place where Usenet members could post about werewolf movies. Then a bunch of furries took over and started talking exclusively about being werewolves. In order to get people to stop expecting discussion about horror movies and instead expect serious discussion about someday seeing the real them in the mirror and how […]

The 90s: A time of Tamagotchis, Talkboy tape recorders, and, yes, magazines about video games. These relics of a bygone era form the heart of our culture in a way only consumerism can manage. Some come along with us as we travel twixt the years 1991 and 2001 through words and song, though with the […]

AI chat bots are everywhere, and yet the one place dudes on the internet still can’t manage to get is in their pants. Replika is one of the more bullshit of bullshit AI friends, in that it promises to be unique to you rather than just dump all the data when you close the session. […]

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a baby? Yeah it sounds like a lot of work right? And for what? The shitty little thing might not even be successful and pay for your retirement and let you buy them their clothes forever! Isn’t there a better way? Well yes! There […]

You ever feel like you’re being watched? You ever know you’re being watched by undefined groups of people who inevitably include your coworkers and your ex-wife? You ever see one thing twice and go “That’s no coincidence!” Well crank that up to 11 and start posting nonstop and you’ll be amongst the Targeted Individuals who […]

Reddit has so many questions, particularly about the mythical beast that is woman. So powerful is Reddit’s need to Ask Women, it cannot be contained by one or even two subreddits. No, in order to facilitate conversation with EVERY possible lady query there need to be an ever-increasing amount of splinter subreddits to collect the […]

Come along with us on a journey to worlds beyond your imagination. Worlds beyond the imaginations of those who made them, in fact, as the writers themselves seem to have no clue how the worlds they’re trying to write work. Writers more interested in inventing places than writing stories are a dime a dozen on […]

We swear we didn’t plan it this way, it just happened this episode was done after the last! Want more Reddit but less semen? Well we might not be able to promise NO semen, but this old doc from the archives promises less. r/edgingtalk is lesser than r/semenretention but still better than r/nofap, who are […]

Wikipedia is a wealth of information (provided the dudes who make up editing leadership think your subject is relevant), a massive compendium of facts and concepts put together by many, many people providing a little of this or a lot of that. But how do these editors manage to communicate with each other in such […]

The fanon wikis keep on coming! The Pooh’s Adventure Wiki is a sprawling dimensional crossover fanfiction with Disney’s Winnie the Pooh at the center of it all. Allegedly. While Pooh et al are mentioned in passing, a lot of what we’re reading seems to have more to do with the outside characters than anything Disney. […]

Déja-vu! Didn’t we do this one already? Yes. We did. But hey sometimes people don’t just grow apart they DNI those who severely wrong them and it’s not polite to probe any further. : ) Hypnoponies are people who very very much wish to be ponies from the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic universe […]

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, in sure and certain hope of Resurrection because fuck do we hate Quora. Mz. Saturn, who observed the death of Yahoo! Answers from a safe distance, provided two documents as a final chronicle for the now defunct community. One went to The F Plus, the other to Extra Credit. […]