Synchronicity is apparently when something is almost but not quite a coincidence or something. Look it really doesn’t matter. What does matter is that when things happen it’s only because all things were destined to give me a tingly feeling in the back of my head. That’s why I go to reddit and tell everyone […]

You might all think the internet is just a place for messy queer representation and inflated Chilly (Bluey’s mom, keep up people) but actually the internet is filled with examples of brave souls trying to save American society from itself. The ChildCare Action Project: Christian Analysis of American Culture Ministry (CAP Ministry) is a place […]

AI chat bots are everywhere, and yet the one place dudes on the internet still can’t manage to get is in their pants. Replika is one of the more bullshit of bullshit AI friends, in that it promises to be unique to you rather than just dump all the data when you close the session. […]

Fragrantica is a place that talks about perfume. There. Okay it’s also filled with lunatics who pretend they know what they smell like because they’re told what they smell like by lunatics who have no idea what they smell like. Anyway, here’s an episode. This week, Extra Credit is $107.93 for 9.2 oz.

Dr. (not really) Judith C. McMath was once a huckster and spouter of new age bullshit, but her website went offline in 2013. She provided great wisdom in her time, such as the fraudulence of Louis Pasteur and how bad vibes give you cancer. In fact, we once read this information to you all, but […]

This week, Chai Tea Latte takes over with a reading of the 1998 transcripts of AOL’s chat with Koko the gorilla, famed for her ability to use sign language in communication with researcher Dr. Penny Patterson. AOL also has their own ASL translator though, and what Dr. Penny Patterson says Koko says may not match […]

Remember therians? Yeah, the people who think they’re animals trapped in human bodies, harkening back to an analogy used strictly to convince doctors that trans people “really meant it,” but using it instead for some dumb internet bullshit. Felkes, a wolf/snow leopard hybrid therian, is one such person who has such an experience, and such […]

Ever find yourself without a personality or interest in human beings but still desperately in need of one to talk to you sometimes and ask for money? Care to sweeten the deal with regular cash for regular dates? Well we’re about to pour some sugar on you! Seeking Arrangement, or otherwise stylized “Seeking”, is a […]

DISCLAIMER: Yes Shell’s audio is weird! No there wasn’t much that could be done. Yes she’s trapped in a drive thru speaker. Sorry! How do we keep getting bad story pitch content? (it’s because there’s so many bad story pitches) Storypitches.com, that’s Story Pitches Dot Com, is a thriving and lucrative WordPress blog where aspiring […]

A conlang, or constructed language, is a language invented to be used as a complete form of communication in real-world or fictional situations. The most recognizable real world conlang would likely be Esperanto, while fictional conlangs include Klingon, Elvish, and then some. Since there’s a lot of creative work to be done in the building […]

The internet is known for its myriad methods for procuring porn. But did you know that you can also use it to make porn more inaccessible and impersonal? That’s right! NiteFlirt is the internet’s premiere web database for phone sex operators that can fit your every desire! Wanna be called names and told to do […]