The term squishy, when used as a noun, apparently refers not to a particularly soft plush animal or a stress toy, but rather a person who wants to be squished by another. Particularly, it would seem, a man who wishes for another man in work boots to absolutely dominate them by smashing them into the […]

This week, Chai Tea Latte takes over with a reading of the 1998 transcripts of AOL’s chat with Koko the gorilla, famed for her ability to use sign language in communication with researcher Dr. Penny Patterson. AOL also has their own ASL translator though, and what Dr. Penny Patterson says Koko says may not match […]

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, in sure and certain hope of Resurrection because fuck do we hate Quora. Mz. Saturn, who observed the death of Yahoo! Answers from a safe distance, provided two documents as a final chronicle for the now defunct community. One went to The F Plus, the other to Extra Credit. […]

This one may seem a little niche at first, but stay for the long haul and be treated to some delightfully dumb OCs. The Steven Universe Roleplay Forums are a place for fans of the cartoon Steven Universe go to roleplay in an alternate universe, utilizing original characters to tell a story of their own […]

Item #: SCP-151-EC Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-151-EC should not be listened to by anyone outside of the SCP Foundation. Anyone who has not been exposed to the internet in sufficient amounts will find themselves unable to focus, grow dizzy, and feel the urge to walk out the door and never stop walking. […]

Awhile back, we covered the Erowid Experience Project, a site where people do drugs and catalog it for science or something. Well, the trip reports they have there are sometimes very, very long and in order to give this one its due attention we resorted to a full episode on just one trip report, a […]

Sometimes it’s fun to do a more straightforward fetish episode. In order to keep such a subject interesting, however, it’s key to find a hook, typically an individual or group who embrace their fetish so wholly, they leave the distinct impression of “……ew?” Enter Mistress Natalia and her Rubber Whores. The Rubber Whores is a […]

Though each passing generation witnesses great shifts and turmoil, one thing never changes: teens love to complain. Enter Rant Rampage, a site for people to rant about whatever, whenever, to an audience of no one. We here at Extra Credit decided it had been too long since we had engaged in our favorite pastime: laughing […]

Over the holidays, Dijon and Heave had a chance to visit THE LESBIATHAN for merriment and an exchange of recipes. By “exchange” we mean, of course, inflict and by “recipes” we mean, of course, monstrosities. Follow along as two chefs serve up a helping of harm while THE LESBIATHAN does what she does best–suffer.

Be wary, listener! You are about to enter a realm most frightening! A realm most dangerous! A realm most… blocky! The Minecraft Creepypasta Wiki is the home to various Minecraft Creepypasta creation, collection, and curation. Well at least one or two of those things are done there, depending on the editors’ energy ratings at the […]

Once upon a time there was a little crab with big dreams. That crab dug her claw through some of the grossest internet this side of the atrocity river (she did not dare cross that river, into the land of the darkweb, for perhaps she would never return…) Upon the completion of her quest, the […]

When in need of divorce advice, who would you turn to? A tremendously successful author and adult baby? Join us for the returning saga of Danny Ruqua, adult baby.