The fanon wikis keep on coming! The Pooh’s Adventure Wiki is a sprawling dimensional crossover fanfiction with Disney’s Winnie the Pooh at the center of it all. Allegedly. While Pooh et al are mentioned in passing, a lot of what we’re reading seems to have more to do with the outside characters than anything Disney. […]

How many bananas would you eat in one day? One? Three? Seven? This is a stupid question? Well today’s website started as an answer to this inane query, and that answer is 30. 30 bananas a day. Frugivores are people who only eat fruit and down on the hierarchy of things people eat, screaming loudly […]

Creepypasta is a subject we’ve covered on the show several times before, and you’d think we’d get tired of it! You probably have. Unfortunately for us all the Creepypasta community has broken itself into so many disparate pieces that there is no end to iteration in the scary nonsense scene. Enter Geoshea’s(?) Lost Episode(??) Creepypasta […]

You know what they say, you can’t judge a book by its cover. But you can judge a book by its readership. Enter Goodreads. As you likely are aware, Goodreads is a site where people who read and write can post the books they’ve read or written and provide reviews, that either tell you the […]

Déja-vu! Didn’t we do this one already? Yes. We did. But hey sometimes people don’t just grow apart they DNI those who severely wrong them and it’s not polite to probe any further. : ) Hypnoponies are people who very very much wish to be ponies from the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic universe […]

Ever think about reality? Are things as they seem, or are they actually a near-seamless tapestry of programming and mental conditioning? And if the latter, then why does our hardware fuck up so often? r/GlitchInTheMatrix purports that indeed the world we are in is not the world we are in, but in fact a simulated […]

Once upon a time Depending on your zone There came into being An archive of our own A place to free fiction from censorship most dire Where incest and pedophilia Often transpire Fans so fervent But so imprudent Celebrate their ships As poetry students And so we compiled Their torturous rhyme To mock and ask […]

It’s time for more ghost and cryptid dweebs! Strangoria is a community that exists as a single web page advertising their Discord server, and said Discord server which contains about 6000 members. Secret Gaygent 69 braved the depths and returned to us with a sampling of the mysterious, spiritual, mystical, illogical, radical nonsense that can […]

Bionicle, short for Biological Chronicle, is a briefly-lived sub-brand of Lego that featured a lot of robotic, cyborg-like something or others (it’s never fully explained what they are). But what if you could get more words on the subject? So many more words. Get ready to “learn” as much as you can handle about Toas, […]

Hey what if some dudes wanted to be forced into feminine dress and affectation so they can get off (when mistress permits them)? That’d be a gross, weird fetish right? Right. But what if it wasn’t just an affectation but really they’re just living their lives as they identify: little girls by force. Sissythings.com is […]

Once upon a time, the internet wasn’t. People read these weird things made of paper and kids in particular were attracted to the things that were made completely of paper but also offered a free bauble for their purchase. Comics, also known as the Bible to Marvel Fans (in that they frequently foam at the […]

Dacryphilia is the fetish for crying. While some may say such a thing is for monsters who sexually feast upon tragedy, we choose to remind people that sometimes people are actors and other times people are anthro dogs licking tears off of other dogs’ snouts. Let’s laugh until we cry and give today’s subject something […]