Fellas, Reddit’s got a big problem! It’s full of dicks! Particularly, these big dicks can be found in r/bigdickproblems, or bdp for short, and boy howdy do they face some real problems in the world. Sometimes they get patted down, sometimes they get ogled, sometimes they are so unable to grasp their length that they […]

Sometimes you just get a feeling that today is going to be special. Well, listeners, this day is very special for you! But you already knew that. Psychic-experiences.com is a place for budding psychics and master mediums alike can share their maybe kinda probably sorta psychic experiences. They see shadows, watch clocks, hear music, and […]

Some say we live in a society. Honestly, that could mean any number of things. But there’s a certain subset of reddit who thinks we should forgo this whole society thing altogether, and they are chock full of ideas as to how to do that! Meet r/anarcho_primitivism, a subreddit dedicated to the downfall of modernity […]

Making friends on the internet is fun! But what if, instead of friends, you made awkward acquaintances with a sex clown? Yeah. We got your number. Meet Amazing Ferret, a moderator of r/sexypenpals and innuendo artist extraordinaire! She spends a great deal of time crafting settings and plots to entice the lonely hearts of reddit […]

Looking to add a special something to your dish? Look no further than Oasis foods in Australia. Seriously. Don’t look any further than that. For a lot of you, that’s quite a long ways! (Except you Grassdragon, you could get there faster than us. Hi!) But regardless of distance, the magic of the internet brings […]

Hey gang! Feeling a little down? Sluggish? Tired? Drained? Lacking in any of the following: zip, pep, zazz, verve, razzmatazz, energy? Well, what if you could simply drink your sleepy li’l rut away with… Okay yes, we know you already know what energy drinks are. But did you know there’s a subreddit to talk about […]

Close the blinds, dim the lights, and huddle up close to your podcast player of choice! We’re about to get SPOOKY! Creepypasta, the drawn out, dying meme-dium that originated as dumb shit you copied from 4chan and spiraled into inane stories about whatever cartoon or video game you want, is still around and finding all […]

Let’s get steamy. Let’s get hot. Let’s get… English. Giles English, who is, from what we can tell, actually English, is back and baby he’s got this podcast on lockdown! For those who don’t know or willfully block our past episodes from their memories, Giles English is a self-published author of Chaste Erotica, the genre that […]

We all feel a little superior from time to time, but on Tumblr you can really let your holier-than-thou side shine. I mean that literally! #actuallydivine is a safe and kind place for Tumblr’s gods and goddesses to settle down and find themselves and others like them. No, not insanely popular posters or prolific artists, actual gods! That’s […]

LOOK OUT! YOU’RE UNDER ELECTROMAGNETIC ATTACK! Phew! That was a close one. The Death Towers nearly got you. Here, take this hunk of resin. Yeah, that’s metal shavings in it. What of it? Put it on your bedside table to keep you and your kids safe. Also, you’re not looking very well. Is it cancer? […]

CONTENT WARNING! These anime nerds are racist, sexist, homophobic, and transphobic. Proceed with caution! Good lord, why did we do this?! So The F Plus put on a little 24-hour stream called Garbage Day back in May and they had a donation battle hour which contained a doc so horrid, the donors quickly amassed enough money […]

You guys familiar with The F Plus? How about that Garbage Day? Well if you were present for a very eventful battle hour you’ll recall that the doc that originally won the donation war was so bad that the audience donated EVEN MORE to make them switch after ten minutes. It was quite a good […]