Ever feel so filthy that a shower of any length would never get clean? Well, that’s what it’s like existing as a horrid semi-sentient creature composed of whiskers, tail, and tits. And you know what? It’s pretty deplorable that you haven’t found a way to help alleviate that existential disgust. It’s almost as if you […]

Once upon a time, there was a doc maker named Montrith. She was a prolific doc provider, capable of delivering the most weird of terrible internet. So good was she, it was seldom that a doc of hers was passed over. There exists, however, one such fabled doc, dumped likely due to length, that catalogs […]

Hey, what’s your sign? Oh, you think that astrology is bogus and paying any attention to one’s sign is just a frivolous waste of time? Well, better fire up that spit for the crow you’re about to eat, because DXPnet.com is going to prove you wrong. As it happens, the astrology forums on this esteemed […]

It’s almost March! Let’s celebrate Halloween. So a buncha us decided rather than go to a party or watch scary movies or fall asleep and leaving kids outside wondering if we’re giving candy or not, we would just sit down in front of our computers and read stupid shit from the internet. Yeah, it surprised […]

Perceptive listeners will know the name “TheLordOfNyrin” upon sight and run screaming into the sunset. Luckily, we here at Extra Credit know that people frequently don’t read the episode notes before listening! What’s that? You’re reading them right now? Well fuck… Okay, TheLordOfNyrin WAS that creep who wrote the CYOC Chocolate Wizard Demigod story we […]

You thought we were done howling with Lunarwolf? Well… You’re right. There’s no howling in this episode. What there is though is a buncha quills, transformation, and nimbleness. Meet Monstermaster18, deviantArt connoisseur of figures with large personalities. He is the perpetrator of many crimes, but those we are discussing today have to do with two very specific […]

Fellas, Reddit’s got a big problem! It’s full of dicks! Particularly, these big dicks can be found in r/bigdickproblems, or bdp for short, and boy howdy do they face some real problems in the world. Sometimes they get patted down, sometimes they get ogled, sometimes they are so unable to grasp their length that they […]

Sometimes you just get a feeling that today is going to be special. Well, listeners, this day is very special for you! But you already knew that. Psychic-experiences.com is a place for budding psychics and master mediums alike can share their maybe kinda probably sorta psychic experiences. They see shadows, watch clocks, hear music, and […]

Some say we live in a society. Honestly, that could mean any number of things. But there’s a certain subset of reddit who thinks we should forgo this whole society thing altogether, and they are chock full of ideas as to how to do that! Meet r/anarcho_primitivism, a subreddit dedicated to the downfall of modernity […]

Making friends on the internet is fun! But what if, instead of friends, you made awkward acquaintances with a sex clown? Yeah. We got your number. Meet Amazing Ferret, a moderator of r/sexypenpals and innuendo artist extraordinaire! She spends a great deal of time crafting settings and plots to entice the lonely hearts of reddit […]

Looking to add a special something to your dish? Look no further than Oasis foods in Australia. Seriously. Don’t look any further than that. For a lot of you, that’s quite a long ways! (Except you Grassdragon, you could get there faster than us. Hi!) But regardless of distance, the magic of the internet brings […]

Hey gang! Feeling a little down? Sluggish? Tired? Drained? Lacking in any of the following: zip, pep, zazz, verve, razzmatazz, energy? Well, what if you could simply drink your sleepy li’l rut away with… Okay yes, we know you already know what energy drinks are. But did you know there’s a subreddit to talk about […]