Dacryphilia is the fetish for crying. While some may say such a thing is for monsters who sexually feast upon tragedy, we choose to remind people that sometimes people are actors and other times people are anthro dogs licking tears off of other dogs’ snouts. Let’s laugh until we cry and give today’s subject something […]

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, in sure and certain hope of Resurrection because fuck do we hate Quora. Mz. Saturn, who observed the death of Yahoo! Answers from a safe distance, provided two documents as a final chronicle for the now defunct community. One went to The F Plus, the other to Extra Credit. […]

Awhile back, we covered the Erowid Experience Project, a site where people do drugs and catalog it for science or something. Well, the trip reports they have there are sometimes very, very long and in order to give this one its due attention we resorted to a full episode on just one trip report, a […]

Though each passing generation witnesses great shifts and turmoil, one thing never changes: teens love to complain. Enter Rant Rampage, a site for people to rant about whatever, whenever, to an audience of no one. We here at Extra Credit decided it had been too long since we had engaged in our favorite pastime: laughing […]

Over the holidays, Dijon and Heave had a chance to visit THE LESBIATHAN for merriment and an exchange of recipes. By “exchange” we mean, of course, inflict and by “recipes” we mean, of course, monstrosities. Follow along as two chefs serve up a helping of harm while THE LESBIATHAN does what she does best–suffer.

When in need of divorce advice, who would you turn to? A tremendously successful author and adult baby? Join us for the returning saga of Danny Ruqua, adult baby.

Remember therians? Yeah, the people who think they’re animals trapped in human bodies, harkening back to an analogy used strictly to convince doctors that trans people “really meant it,” but using it instead for some dumb internet bullshit. Felkes, a wolf/snow leopard hybrid therian, is one such person who has such an experience, and such […]

We’ve all heard about drugs, but have you considered that anything can be a drug? Yeah, neither did we. But the members of the Erowid Experience Vault sure have! Erowid Experience Vault is a place for drug enthusiasts and their surrounding circles to take drugs and detail how they were affected, often taking special delineations […]

Ever find yourself without a personality or interest in human beings but still desperately in need of one to talk to you sometimes and ask for money? Care to sweeten the deal with regular cash for regular dates? Well we’re about to pour some sugar on you! Seeking Arrangement, or otherwise stylized “Seeking”, is a […]

Join Dijon as he reviews some awful requests from the days of livejournal!

Gay romance has been a controversial and at times even dangerously illegal variety of literature and film for centuries now, but one subset of the genre has found strength and acceptance in the community they built around it, forging a future for the maligned media… And it’s mostly straight women. The Yaoi Otaku Forums is […]

The advent of the internet made fad dieting more popular than ever and the adherents of said diets more insufferable with each community that popped up. Also like most fad dieting online or off, the foods and activities associated often lead to horrible practices that endanger dieters and their loved ones. Enter Reddit. r/keto is […]