Belushin It Out

Episode 85 — Released Jan 31 2020
You thought we were done howling with Lunarwolf? Well… You’re right. There’s no howling in this episode. What there is though is a buncha quills, transformation, and nimbleness.
Meet Monstermaster18, deviantArt connoisseur of figures with large personalities. He is the perpetrator of many crimes, but those we are discussing today have to do with two very specific fixations: becoming a werebelushi and walkenization.
Perhaps this raises some questions. Is it a were JIM Belushi or a were JOHN Belushi? Does one become like Christopher Walken or does one simply begin to walk? Can a pony and a griffon have a wrestler’s babies? The answers to all this and more are in this very episode, so buckle up! We’re in for a hippo-riffic time!
This week, Extra Credit fires up our Suspicious Icon Detection Software to no avail.
With Positive Stress, Dijon Du Jour, The Heavenator, Turtle, Shell Game, and featuring Frank West
Edited by Shell Game
Content provided by Cheapskate
Subject featured
Music used
- Everybody Needs Somebody To Love by The Blues Brothers
- Weapon of Choice by Fatboy Slim