We top off our 200-ennieal extravaganza with another Hodgepode Documodge! Join us as we dive into the offerings of Secret Gaygent 69, the lizzerd, and more! Thanks for listening for ~200 ‘sodes, the next 200 are on us! (as were the last 200. we got a lot of ‘sodes to give away, only mildly past […]

Wow! 200 episodes! And yes we did do 200 episodes. Real fans know. The rest will just have to deal. Today Shell asks some of our newest readers with the oldest roots about their ancient forays into the internet of yore. Turtle, Positronic, and Spaced God take us back to a time when the community […]

The process of childbearing/birth is something often described as a miracle. It’s little surprise then that people on the internet are turned on by it. But what if, and stay with me here folks, what if a man could get pregnant? Sorry what? Trans men? Fucking shut up you piece of shit. We’re not talking […]

Positronic gave me some fanfic from around 2008. Apparently it’s a crossover of Death Note and Naruto? Also there’s a Glee fic. It is incomprehensible. We’re gonna read it for you! This week, Extra Credit stuck our hand i my underwear and squeed lightly.

This episode features a story about a lot of things. It’s about Hamilton. (kinda) It’s about Harry Potter. (not really) It’s about making THE LESBIATHAN angry. (very) It’s about Hamtaro/Kingdom Hearts crossovers. (not nearly enough) It’s about friends who probably only like you for the fame and also your brother can spy because he’s an […]

Creepypasta is a subject we’ve covered on the show several times before, and you’d think we’d get tired of it! You probably have. Unfortunately for us all the Creepypasta community has broken itself into so many disparate pieces that there is no end to iteration in the scary nonsense scene. Enter Geoshea’s(?) Lost Episode(??) Creepypasta […]

You know what they say, you can’t judge a book by its cover. But you can judge a book by its readership. Enter Goodreads. As you likely are aware, Goodreads is a site where people who read and write can post the books they’ve read or written and provide reviews, that either tell you the […]

Once upon a time Depending on your zone There came into being An archive of our own A place to free fiction from censorship most dire Where incest and pedophilia Often transpire Fans so fervent But so imprudent Celebrate their ships As poetry students And so we compiled Their torturous rhyme To mock and ask […]

Bionicle, short for Biological Chronicle, is a briefly-lived sub-brand of Lego that featured a lot of robotic, cyborg-like something or others (it’s never fully explained what they are). But what if you could get more words on the subject? So many more words. Get ready to “learn” as much as you can handle about Toas, […]

Join Dijon as he reviews some awful requests from the days of livejournal!

Deep in the recesses of Archive Of Our Own is a stream that runs eternal, with force so powerful it demolishes that which it creates only to recreate it and demolish it again. Words flow freely here, but most of them are about one thing. One man. Chris Redfield is apparently a character from the […]

You are cordially invited to a murder! The Delete Lover’s Shrine was a fan community for the PBS cartoon Cyberchase. Designed to teach kids about math, problem solving, and probably computers, Cyberchase featured three kids who would wander through “cyberspace” and foil the plans of The Hacker and his robot underlings Buzz and Delete. Unfortunately, […]