
Episode 192 — Released Apr 19 2024
Several years back, The Heavenator brought us a bunch of anime recommendations straight from the Something Awful Forums’ recommendation thread. The rule was we had to interpret each anime as they were described, with no outside knowledge permitted to taint our observations. The results were pretty goofy to say the least, so we did it again!
But oops, we did it again twice because The Heavenator came back with a document so jam packed with anime isekai dreck that we had to cut the doc into two pieces and read the second half another time. So here is PART ONE of us reading about SA describing anime in ways that may or may not be representative of the actual properties.
This week, Extra Credit gets its 100th rejection in a row.
With Ganymede, Dijon Du Jour, The Heavenator, Frank West, and Shell Game
Edited by Ashto
Content provided by The Heavenator
Cover art by Shell Game
Subject featured
- https://forums.somethingawful.com/forumdisplay.php?forumid=27
Music used
- Fight Dirty by Salvatore Ganacci
- CARTOON NETWORK by Black Dresses