A day late, a dollar short, and two couch cushions bigger than before… Fantasy Feeder is a place we’ve been to maybe once before. Or maybe twice if you’re from THAT loaf. But what’s important is that we never ever get full anymore so you may as well watch as our bellies grow comically large […]

Part 2 crew, the B-team, the idea that keeps on giving… In this part, a bunch of us go back through old documents and read stuff that had been skipped over, or we dug deeper and found more new things to read that were even worse. See, we finally got around to it! Some of […]

Five Nights at Freddy’s was a bad jump scare horror game about animatronic mascot characters who kill you or something. This trend has exploded into a disgustingly bloated pustule of fan games and ripoffs to the point that Secret Gaygent 69 plays them for us sometimes and he never runs out of content. So we’re […]

Several years back, The Heavenator brought us a bunch of anime recommendations straight from the Something Awful Forums’ recommendation thread. The rule was we had to interpret each anime as they were described, with no outside knowledge permitted to taint our observations. The results were pretty goofy to say the least, so we did it […]

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a baby? Yeah it sounds like a lot of work right? And for what? The shitty little thing might not even be successful and pay for your retirement and let you buy them their clothes forever! Isn’t there a better way? Well yes! There […]

The process of childbearing/birth is something often described as a miracle. It’s little surprise then that people on the internet are turned on by it. But what if, and stay with me here folks, what if a man could get pregnant? Sorry what? Trans men? Fucking shut up you piece of shit. We’re not talking […]

Porn comes in every variety in high volumes. You can’t shake a dick without finding someone who wants to help you cum. It’s so hard to know the good from the bad, though. There has to be a better way! Too bad all we have is members of the internet using their rudimentary writing skills […]

Here we are at the finale of our very first (and possibly last) mini-series, where we dip into the Poisonous lake of social commentary and …. queer? th….eory????? Yeah no okay this is just about how the Satsui no Hado is repressed sexual energy. Enjoy and thanks!

In part 4 of our exhilarating 5 part mini-series, we actually talk about The Street Fighter Code. It’s like The DaVinci Code. It also tries to answer the question “Who was Jesus, really?” This is why media literacy is important, people. There was a late change in editing that made the titles and art not […]

If there’s one thing that can be said about science and the internet as a whole, it’s that they have never tried to figured out just how penises work. It’s the big gaping hole in our biological and sociological knowledge and who better than a smattering of men obsessed with their nocturnal emissions to rectify […]

Fragrantica is a place that talks about perfume. There. Okay it’s also filled with lunatics who pretend they know what they smell like because they’re told what they smell like by lunatics who have no idea what they smell like. Anyway, here’s an episode. This week, Extra Credit is $107.93 for 9.2 oz.

Positronic gave me some fanfic from around 2008. Apparently it’s a crossover of Death Note and Naruto? Also there’s a Glee fic. It is incomprehensible. We’re gonna read it for you! This week, Extra Credit stuck our hand i my underwear and squeed lightly.