Wow! 200 episodes! And yes we did do 200 episodes. Real fans know. The rest will just have to deal. Today Shell asks some of our newest readers with the oldest roots about their ancient forays into the internet of yore. Turtle, Positronic, and Spaced God take us back to a time when the community […]

Pokemon on the internet? That must mean sexy sex gross fetish stuff, right? Wrong. Well, mostly right but in this case it’s wrong. We challenged doc makers to construct a document about pokemon in which nothing sexual or fetishy was happening and dammit we eventually got there. Mostly. Gany and Likely JUST Dijon might have […]

After we spent 2 hours reading only half of the document, we realized there was no way we could do the goons justice in one sitting, so we made another episode that’s just more Something Awful anime recommendations. There’s fewer isekais in this one, but that’s just because we’re going backwards so we’re more in […]

Several years back, The Heavenator brought us a bunch of anime recommendations straight from the Something Awful Forums’ recommendation thread. The rule was we had to interpret each anime as they were described, with no outside knowledge permitted to taint our observations. The results were pretty goofy to say the least, so we did it […]

Positronic gave me some fanfic from around 2008. Apparently it’s a crossover of Death Note and Naruto? Also there’s a Glee fic. It is incomprehensible. We’re gonna read it for you! This week, Extra Credit stuck our hand i my underwear and squeed lightly.

Come along with us on a journey to worlds beyond your imagination. Worlds beyond the imaginations of those who made them, in fact, as the writers themselves seem to have no clue how the worlds they’re trying to write work. Writers more interested in inventing places than writing stories are a dime a dozen on […]

During a specific two year gap around 2011, the facile whims of fandom were fixated on a few particular properties. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Portal 2, True Blood, and of course… The CENSORSHIP taking place on TV Tropes regarding the purge of fetish-related materials and the subsequent migration efforts to save every listing of […]

We braved the mechanical oddities of Chrono Cross’ game design, now to confront the twisty time-travel confusion that is Chrono Cross’ plot. In a document written by Dijon Du Jour, Dijon explains the general overview of Chrono Cross as it happens. Or sometimes as it doesn’t happen. Or sometimes still as it once happened but […]

Wikipedia is a wealth of information (provided the dudes who make up editing leadership think your subject is relevant), a massive compendium of facts and concepts put together by many, many people providing a little of this or a lot of that. But how do these editors manage to communicate with each other in such […]

The Gender and Sexuality communities of Tumblr have been in flux (not the suffix they attatch to every other word, it’s just honestly changed hands many times.) Having founded and abandoned the LGBTA Wiki, they went on to a site called EZGENDER. This too was left to lie fallow as the trendy hipsetters were soon […]

During Garbage Day 2020, Extra Credit hosted an hour on the Elizabeth Storybook fanon from the Pokefanon Wiki, and boy howdy was it weird! Feeling as though they paid the rest of the site short shrift, a request was made to Secret Gaygent 69 to provide a more comprehensive document on the wiki itself so […]

Gay romance has been a controversial and at times even dangerously illegal variety of literature and film for centuries now, but one subset of the genre has found strength and acceptance in the community they built around it, forging a future for the maligned media… And it’s mostly straight women. The Yaoi Otaku Forums is […]