The White Elephant in the Room

Episode 96 — Released Jul 3 2020
Ahhh the holiday season… Sure it may be half a year away, but Extra Credit’s here to provide you with the familiar feel of familiarity. There is, however, no good will towards men here, because god dammit have you seen how they write women?
Last Christmas, Shell tasked a group of wayward souls with sourcing a gift for their assigned Boxing Day Buddy, who would in turn have to read whatever they were given. The results were nothing short of magickal! Join us by the fire as we shake each package and find what awful rejected content we inflicted on one another.
This week, Extra Credit does a gimmick that it absolutely totally has never done before in its history why do you ask hahahaha.
With THE LESBIATHAN, Mix, Ashto, Dr. Activisionary, Sanguinary Novel, and Shell Game
Edited by Mix
Content provided by THE LESBIATHAN, Mix, Ashto, Dr. Activisionary, Sanguinary Novel, and Shell Game
Subject featured
- Tips Fedora and the Reversed Tower
Music used
- All I Want For Christmas is a Space Jam
- Dust and Memories by Unheard Music Concepts
- Jingle Bells (Nightcore Remix) by Kaskade ft. Koran