Despite what the posts we read from the internet would suggest, people on the internet sometimes actually read books. Books that people care about. Classics, if you will. What’s a classic? Whatever’s tagged as classic on Goodreads, obviously! Let’s figure out which some classics are much reviled by the sharp-minded, sharp-tongued folks over at Goodreads, […]

Five Nights at Freddy’s was a bad jump scare horror game about animatronic mascot characters who kill you or something. This trend has exploded into a disgustingly bloated pustule of fan games and ripoffs to the point that Secret Gaygent 69 plays them for us sometimes and he never runs out of content. So we’re […]

The Villains Wiki is yet another compilation wiki categorizing everything in media that has ever been cast as a villain. They have slightly better quality standards than you’d imagine. The Villains Fanon Wiki is yet another compilation wiki categorizing everything in internet memes and creepypasta that has ever been cast as a villain while also […]

The Gender and Sexuality communities of Tumblr have been in flux (not the suffix they attatch to every other word, it’s just honestly changed hands many times.) Having founded and abandoned the LGBTA Wiki, they went on to a site called EZGENDER. This too was left to lie fallow as the trendy hipsetters were soon […]

This episode features a story about a lot of things. It’s about Hamilton. (kinda) It’s about Harry Potter. (not really) It’s about making THE LESBIATHAN angry. (very) It’s about Hamtaro/Kingdom Hearts crossovers. (not nearly enough) It’s about friends who probably only like you for the fame and also your brother can spy because he’s an […]

How many bananas would you eat in one day? One? Three? Seven? This is a stupid question? Well today’s website started as an answer to this inane query, and that answer is 30. 30 bananas a day. Frugivores are people who only eat fruit and down on the hierarchy of things people eat, screaming loudly […]

Creepypasta is a subject we’ve covered on the show several times before, and you’d think we’d get tired of it! You probably have. Unfortunately for us all the Creepypasta community has broken itself into so many disparate pieces that there is no end to iteration in the scary nonsense scene. Enter Geoshea’s(?) Lost Episode(??) Creepypasta […]

Déja-vu! Didn’t we do this one already? Yes. We did. But hey sometimes people don’t just grow apart they DNI those who severely wrong them and it’s not polite to probe any further. : ) Hypnoponies are people who very very much wish to be ponies from the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic universe […]

Hey what if some dudes wanted to be forced into feminine dress and affectation so they can get off (when mistress permits them)? That’d be a gross, weird fetish right? Right. But what if it wasn’t just an affectation but really they’re just living their lives as they identify: little girls by force. Sissythings.com is […]

This one may seem a little niche at first, but stay for the long haul and be treated to some delightfully dumb OCs. The Steven Universe Roleplay Forums are a place for fans of the cartoon Steven Universe go to roleplay in an alternate universe, utilizing original characters to tell a story of their own […]

Item #: SCP-151-EC Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-151-EC should not be listened to by anyone outside of the SCP Foundation. Anyone who has not been exposed to the internet in sufficient amounts will find themselves unable to focus, grow dizzy, and feel the urge to walk out the door and never stop walking. […]

Once upon a time there was a little crab with big dreams. That crab dug her claw through some of the grossest internet this side of the atrocity river (she did not dare cross that river, into the land of the darkweb, for perhaps she would never return…) Upon the completion of her quest, the […]