Jesus loves the little forum users. Probably. The Christian Teen Forums is a place on the internet that begs the question “A forum for Christian Teens? What could possibly go wrong?!” And then you read it and you say “Oh right. Obviously all of this could possibly go wrong. And has!” You have your doctrinal […]

We top off our 200-ennieal extravaganza with another Hodgepode Documodge! Join us as we dive into the offerings of Secret Gaygent 69, the lizzerd, and more! Thanks for listening for ~200 ‘sodes, the next 200 are on us! (as were the last 200. we got a lot of ‘sodes to give away, only mildly past […]

Reddit is full of guys who are all pent up with… What did you think we were gonna say? Rage? Resentment? Gamer words? Well those are all fitting, but no. The word we were going to end that sentence with was semen! This may seem like a mean-spirited dig at their sexual prowess, but that […]

We all know furries, in both senses of the term. For all the good and the bad, it is a community of no small repute. Which is why it stands to reason they write a bunch of poetry! That’s right, you thought this was just some ho-hum furry episode? Think again! The auteurs at furaffinity.net […]

Be wary, listener! You are about to enter a realm most frightening! A realm most dangerous! A realm most… blocky! The Minecraft Creepypasta Wiki is the home to various Minecraft Creepypasta creation, collection, and curation. Well at least one or two of those things are done there, depending on the editors’ energy ratings at the […]

Once upon a time there was a little crab with big dreams. That crab dug her claw through some of the grossest internet this side of the atrocity river (she did not dare cross that river, into the land of the darkweb, for perhaps she would never return…) Upon the completion of her quest, the […]

Wow! A live, on-location reading! Eugene is Shell’s hometown. It’s also the home of a wide variety of new age retro hippies that enjoy flowery prose and crystal-y medicines to counter the hustle and bustle of the rest of the world. They also are kooky, filled with even kookier healthcare practitioners, poets, and people who […]

Gay romance has been a controversial and at times even dangerously illegal variety of literature and film for centuries now, but one subset of the genre has found strength and acceptance in the community they built around it, forging a future for the maligned media… And it’s mostly straight women. The Yaoi Otaku Forums is […]

We all know those stuffy Victorian types were huge disgusting perverts, but did you know they were just as bereft of understanding for the human body, proper health, and general creativity as we are today? The Pearl was a 19th century publication dedicated to “poetry”, “stories”, “songs”, and “jokes” of the blue persuasion. Named with […]

This week, we have an actual short for you! To be paired with last week’s episode, Chai Tea Latte went back to the mic to record a tidbit included at the end of the doc–a rendition of The Night Before Christmas run through Bing’s Klingon translator. Her accent is absolutely not authentic, the words are […]

A conlang, or constructed language, is a language invented to be used as a complete form of communication in real-world or fictional situations. The most recognizable real world conlang would likely be Esperanto, while fictional conlangs include Klingon, Elvish, and then some. Since there’s a lot of creative work to be done in the building […]

Poetry has long evoked a sense of romanticism and intimacy that a lover can use to express their feelings to the object of their affection. Sometimes, though, those feelings are actually really gross and have poor scansion. Lucky for us all, Instagram has cultivated a community for such erotic poets to hone their horny craft […]