During a specific two year gap around 2011, the facile whims of fandom were fixated on a few particular properties. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Portal 2, True Blood, and of course… The CENSORSHIP taking place on TV Tropes regarding the purge of fetish-related materials and the subsequent migration efforts to save every listing of […]
We braved the mechanical oddities of Chrono Cross’ game design, now to confront the twisty time-travel confusion that is Chrono Cross’ plot. In a document written by Dijon Du Jour, Dijon explains the general overview of Chrono Cross as it happens. Or sometimes as it doesn’t happen. Or sometimes still as it once happened but […]
Hey what if we just took a little time to talk about a video game? Chrono Cross is the sequel to the world-renowned, critically-acclaimed single-player RPG Chrono Trigger. Having made the jump from 2-D to 3-D the game also made a few leaps regarding mechanics and storytelling. The former is a mystery that baffles Chronocrossology […]
The Gender and Sexuality communities of Tumblr have been in flux (not the suffix they attatch to every other word, it’s just honestly changed hands many times.) Having founded and abandoned the LGBTA Wiki, they went on to a site called EZGENDER. This too was left to lie fallow as the trendy hipsetters were soon […]
It’s time for more ghost and cryptid dweebs! Strangoria is a community that exists as a single web page advertising their Discord server, and said Discord server which contains about 6000 members. Secret Gaygent 69 braved the depths and returned to us with a sampling of the mysterious, spiritual, mystical, illogical, radical nonsense that can […]
Hey what if some dudes wanted to be forced into feminine dress and affectation so they can get off (when mistress permits them)? That’d be a gross, weird fetish right? Right. But what if it wasn’t just an affectation but really they’re just living their lives as they identify: little girls by force. Sissythings.com is […]
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, in sure and certain hope of Resurrection because fuck do we hate Quora. Mz. Saturn, who observed the death of Yahoo! Answers from a safe distance, provided two documents as a final chronicle for the now defunct community. One went to The F Plus, the other to Extra Credit. […]
Once again, Extra Credit hops into our trusty time machine and rediscovers the magic of answering a how-to question with way too many words and pictures. What else needs to be said? WikiHow, here we come! This week, Extra Credit is tracking if you could come out and play. KID GANG!
Remember therians? Yeah, the people who think they’re animals trapped in human bodies, harkening back to an analogy used strictly to convince doctors that trans people “really meant it,” but using it instead for some dumb internet bullshit. Felkes, a wolf/snow leopard hybrid therian, is one such person who has such an experience, and such […]
We’ve all heard about drugs, but have you considered that anything can be a drug? Yeah, neither did we. But the members of the Erowid Experience Vault sure have! Erowid Experience Vault is a place for drug enthusiasts and their surrounding circles to take drugs and detail how they were affected, often taking special delineations […]
How’s your love life? Dead? Well you’re not alone! The internet is filled with very real, very sexy tales of ghosts, ghouls, skeletons, and demons that pull their blankets or make them look at porn. If that sounds hot to you, well you’re a fool because ghosts are cold. Join us on an adventure across […]
The advent of the internet made fad dieting more popular than ever and the adherents of said diets more insufferable with each community that popped up. Also like most fad dieting online or off, the foods and activities associated often lead to horrible practices that endanger dieters and their loved ones. Enter Reddit. r/keto is […]