Jesus loves the little forum users. Probably. The Christian Teen Forums is a place on the internet that begs the question “A forum for Christian Teens? What could possibly go wrong?!” And then you read it and you say “Oh right. Obviously all of this could possibly go wrong. And has!” You have your doctrinal […]

It’s time for more ghost and cryptid dweebs! Strangoria is a community that exists as a single web page advertising their Discord server, and said Discord server which contains about 6000 members. Secret Gaygent 69 braved the depths and returned to us with a sampling of the mysterious, spiritual, mystical, illogical, radical nonsense that can […]

Wow! A live, on-location reading! Eugene is Shell’s hometown. It’s also the home of a wide variety of new age retro hippies that enjoy flowery prose and crystal-y medicines to counter the hustle and bustle of the rest of the world. They also are kooky, filled with even kookier healthcare practitioners, poets, and people who […]

Gather round ye vvitches and vvarlocks and take in what Reddit has to offer on the science of Magick… Once upon a time, three wise folk showed up at the door of Extra Credit: The Heavenator with gifts of online nonsense, THE LESBIATHAN with gifts of Reddit gold, and “Magician’s Read” with gifts of murrrrr… […]

Amazon. Land of bottomless products. Future owner of United States Megametro 2. Current owner of Seattle. What can be said about this omnipresent retail empire? Not much we haven’t already heard. What can be said to this omnipresent retail empire? Well, not much that we haven’t already heard there either, but that won’t stop aggrieved consumers from […]

The internet really just wants to be a horse! If WisheRs Were Horses is a website that has been live and updated since 1997! Its mission: to approach myriad theories and methods of becoming a horse. Like, physically. The author of this site explores scientific, mystic, and faith-based methods that might maybe someday kinda possibly […]

Oh hey! Lucky we caught you. We were just passing through this time on an errand for our good friend John Titor. While we’re here though, maybe we could take a short period of time to review your internet for modern time travel discourse! I’m sure it’s chock full o’ useful information about the past. […]

For the final part of our 100th Episode extravaganza, we return to form and read from a document, this time with all of the supporting cast of the show turning out for a heck of a good time. We asked twitter, ballp.it, and members of our community to contribute to a hodgepodge document, with a […]

Do you ever wish you could be constantly drooling? What about getting constricted by a huge snake? Maybe you need a little caffeine shot? Well, don’t go for that iDoser! Throw away that ASMR! We’re going back to the basics with some good, ol’ fashioned hypnosis. Meet Nimja! He’s a dutch programmer that moonlights as […]

Sometimes you just get a feeling that today is going to be special. Well, listeners, this day is very special for you! But you already knew that. Psychic-experiences.com is a place for budding psychics and master mediums alike can share their maybe kinda probably sorta psychic experiences. They see shadows, watch clocks, hear music, and […]

LOOK OUT! YOU’RE UNDER ELECTROMAGNETIC ATTACK! Phew! That was a close one. The Death Towers nearly got you. Here, take this hunk of resin. Yeah, that’s metal shavings in it. What of it? Put it on your bedside table to keep you and your kids safe. Also, you’re not looking very well. Is it cancer? […]

r/entheogenicsex is a place where your trips meet your hips as you use drugs to attain higher levels of sexual satisfaction. Set your vibrator to a higher frequency as Initiatrix Kassandstorm guides you on a journey of awakening to your true transcendent self! She’ll teach you the rites and rituals of having an orgasm in […]