Welcome to History Hornies, a podcast where a group of weirdos read each other terrible stuff from the past! …or at least the past as imagined by the internet. Historical roleplay and historical AUs are fandom’s attempt to take people and places from our actual history and make them into bizarrely sexual and faux-woke wish […]

r/chastity and r/permanentchastity are subreddits dedicated to swapping tales of caged glory, comparing dick shrinkage and providing tips for advanced willpower to keep their dicks under lock and key as long as humanly possible. There’s crossover with orgasm denial, edging, sissification, female-led relationships… pretty much anything you think of when you think “penis in a […]

r/entheogenicsex is a place where your trips meet your hips as you use drugs to attain higher levels of sexual satisfaction. Set your vibrator to a higher frequency as Initiatrix Kassandstorm guides you on a journey of awakening to your true transcendent self! She’ll teach you the rites and rituals of having an orgasm in […]

FINE! We did it! Are you happy?! Choose Your Own Change Dot Net was the subject of both an F-Plus and Extra Credit episode, so surely there couldn’t be any more to cover, right? Well, that actually is true. However, there’s a 16-page-long story about slowly turning into a chocolate wizard through contrived Chronovac hi-jinks […]

After being left without his appetite whet by feeder content, we decided to invite Adam Bozarth back and try to make it up to him with some pure fetish content. Fun and friendly kinksters can go to zity.biz and share all kinds of stories and tips of real kinky times they and their very real […]

Hey! Who here LOVES diapers?! Come on, don’t be shy! It’s ok to just say you sit around in your own filth because you get off to thoughts of you as a baby. That’s between you and God. Seriously, God’s cool with it! At least that’s what this weirdo over at intodiapers.blogspot.com says, and he […]

…the fuck was goin’ on for this one? Well for starters, Shell had a cold and was hopped up on medicine, Frank West was recording from his laptop, Ganymede’s mountain town WiFi left her a little distant, Beelzeboob’s mic betrayed her, and the Lesbiathan was busy trying to live down the fact that she helped […]

Ever want to make a big change in your life? Well what if it was easy as turning a switch, pressing some buttons, and letting a machine do all the work? Just input a certain code, wait for it to warm up, and then just sit back and enjoy being changed into a full trash […]

DISCLAIMER: The document maker has asked us to assure listeners and ridiculists alike that this is in fact NOT a retread of the contents of yet another document on FurAffinity and food currently in The F Plus’ Hopper. Is there anything you can’t do in a fursuit? Furaffinity says NO! Get ready to strap that […]

Season’s Feedings! That’s right! We didn’t get our fill last time, so Extra Credit has decided to chow down on yet another feast of filth and fat. Inspired by perhaps the first ever document of Mix’s dumped by The F Plus, we arranged for a smorgasbord of stories and methods regarding stuffing and inflation to […]

The time has come! Extra Credit crosses over with THE LESBIATHAN’s podcast Pen and Paper Bullshit and gives you a horrible, horrible game to endure along with us! Maid RPG is a poorly constructed, disgusting game where you play as an Anime Maid complete with anime personality traits, signed randomly by dice roll. Tonight’s game takes […]

Sisters are doing it for themselves! Nowadays women can be as strong, athletic, capable and big as they wanna be–which of course means we need a bunch of men to remind everyone that they’re still fetish objects that give them boners. Female Body Builder fandom is a strange place composed of those who want to […]