HOLIDAY SURPRISE! Remember when The F Plus recorded Episode 231 The Hedgehog? The episode where they go through Sonic the Hedgehog fanon? Yeah, those people are pretty dumb with all their weird made-up characters and arbitrary rules… Haha, what could ever have made them like that? Well, have you ever heard of the canon of […]

Oh hey! Lucky we caught you. We were just passing through this time on an errand for our good friend John Titor. While we’re here though, maybe we could take a short period of time to review your internet for modern time travel discourse! I’m sure it’s chock full o’ useful information about the past. […]

Look, I know you’re all sick of this subject, but The F Plus won’t cover it so we have to have YET ANOTHER EPISODE ON VORE. So go ahead and put on your bibs and get ready for some sloppy seconds as we force feed Boots some small living creatures so that maybe he’ll finally […]

Here comes another short! This time, Gany and Dr. A examine the darker intentions behind Super Mario 64 by falling down a Twitter hole. Maybe we’ll find out why Luigi wasn’t there until the DS remake.

You know us! When we get a topic with really interesting, standout subjects, we can’t help but drill deeper! Today’s subject, over on famed black hole of fandom, Tumblr, is objectumsexual. And she’s had her eye on a super sexy hunk of construction gear for quite some time! Let’s hunker down and get all cozy […]

Objectum sexuality, abbreviated OS, is an oft-overlooked identity in which a person becomes enamored with, emotionally entangled by, or engaged to an inanimate object. Yes, their love is a pure love that can only be explained by those who fall under this orientation, which is what it is it’s not a fetish, shut up we’ll […]

Once upon a time, there was a doc maker named Montrith. She was a prolific doc provider, capable of delivering the most weird of terrible internet. So good was she, it was seldom that a doc of hers was passed over. There exists, however, one such fabled doc, dumped likely due to length, that catalogs […]

Sometimes you just get a feeling that today is going to be special. Well, listeners, this day is very special for you! But you already knew that. Psychic-experiences.com is a place for budding psychics and master mediums alike can share their maybe kinda probably sorta psychic experiences. They see shadows, watch clocks, hear music, and […]

Looking to add a special something to your dish? Look no further than Oasis foods in Australia. Seriously. Don’t look any further than that. For a lot of you, that’s quite a long ways! (Except you Grassdragon, you could get there faster than us. Hi!) But regardless of distance, the magic of the internet brings […]

We all feel a little superior from time to time, but on Tumblr you can really let your holier-than-thou side shine. I mean that literally! #actuallydivine is a safe and kind place for Tumblr’s gods and goddesses to settle down and find themselves and others like them. No, not insanely popular posters or prolific artists, actual gods! That’s […]

LOOK OUT! YOU’RE UNDER ELECTROMAGNETIC ATTACK! Phew! That was a close one. The Death Towers nearly got you. Here, take this hunk of resin. Yeah, that’s metal shavings in it. What of it? Put it on your bedside table to keep you and your kids safe. Also, you’re not looking very well. Is it cancer? […]

Science and magick. Research and superstition? This is no longer how we need to see this duality. In fact, the binary opposition of science and magick is hugely reductive. The two exist on a spectrum of truth. The science is in! Magick is real, baby! Well, this is the claim of The Spirit Science, a […]