After being left without his appetite whet by feeder content, we decided to invite Adam Bozarth back and try to make it up to him with some pure fetish content. Fun and friendly kinksters can go to zity.biz and share all kinds of stories and tips of real kinky times they and their very real […]

Hey! Who here LOVES diapers?! Come on, don’t be shy! It’s ok to just say you sit around in your own filth because you get off to thoughts of you as a baby. That’s between you and God. Seriously, God’s cool with it! At least that’s what this weirdo over at intodiapers.blogspot.com says, and he […]

…the fuck was goin’ on for this one? Well for starters, Shell had a cold and was hopped up on medicine, Frank West was recording from his laptop, Ganymede’s mountain town WiFi left her a little distant, Beelzeboob’s mic betrayed her, and the Lesbiathan was busy trying to live down the fact that she helped […]

Ever want to make a big change in your life? Well what if it was easy as turning a switch, pressing some buttons, and letting a machine do all the work? Just input a certain code, wait for it to warm up, and then just sit back and enjoy being changed into a full trash […]

This episode’s really going to get under your hat… 😉 Last time, we explored some fantastical fanon from a variety of Smurfs alternate universes. Well we’re back but this time in reality, or at least an alternate universe therein. As it turns out Smurfs fan artists have forums that they congregate on and yell at […]

Fandom never changes… The Smurfs was a cartoon from the 80s, based on a comic from the 50s, that spawned two movies in the 2010s for no particular reason. Even though there’s very little to say about the cartoon antics of the small blue creatures and their mushroom houses, the cartoon ran for nearly a […]

Last time, Extra Credit met a bunch of self-proclaimed chefs from FurAffinity. While each left us with upturned stomachs and scratching our heads, one particular wuff was so outrageous, we just had to go back for more. Prepare to remember Lunarwolf, the fur who singlepawedly makes its Lupercalia year round. And now that the lovely […]

DISCLAIMER: The document maker has asked us to assure listeners and ridiculists alike that this is in fact NOT a retread of the contents of yet another document on FurAffinity and food currently in The F Plus’ Hopper. Is there anything you can’t do in a fursuit? Furaffinity says NO! Get ready to strap that […]

The internet is known for its myriad methods for procuring porn. But did you know that you can also use it to make porn more inaccessible and impersonal? That’s right! NiteFlirt is the internet’s premiere web database for phone sex operators that can fit your every desire! Wanna be called names and told to do […]

Science and magick. Research and superstition? This is no longer how we need to see this duality. In fact, the binary opposition of science and magick is hugely reductive. The two exist on a spectrum of truth. The science is in! Magick is real, baby! Well, this is the claim of The Spirit Science, a […]

On your feet, soldier! Don’t you know there’s a war on?! We’ve got to get to the front lines of the internet ASAP. And when we get there, I’m gonna personally shoot that shitposting son of a bitch! As it goes online, people are wont to lie. This is true whether posting about their sex […]

Tumblr and identity live together in perfect harmony, Side by side on my dashboard, oh Lord, why don’t we? For years now otherkin have scurried about on the internet, building off of a myriad of junk drawer philosophies and blatantly ripping off real world religions in order to confirm to themselves and the world that, […]