The 90s: A time of Tamagotchis, Talkboy tape recorders, and, yes, magazines about video games. These relics of a bygone era form the heart of our culture in a way only consumerism can manage. Some come along with us as we travel twixt the years 1991 and 2001 through words and song, though with the […]

The process of childbearing/birth is something often described as a miracle. It’s little surprise then that people on the internet are turned on by it. But what if, and stay with me here folks, what if a man could get pregnant? Sorry what? Trans men? Fucking shut up you piece of shit. We’re not talking […]

Porn comes in every variety in high volumes. You can’t shake a dick without finding someone who wants to help you cum. It’s so hard to know the good from the bad, though. There has to be a better way! Too bad all we have is members of the internet using their rudimentary writing skills […]

Wikipedia is a wealth of information (provided the dudes who make up editing leadership think your subject is relevant), a massive compendium of facts and concepts put together by many, many people providing a little of this or a lot of that. But how do these editors manage to communicate with each other in such […]

You may think that the natural opposite of bimbofication is himbofication but that’s stupid and wrong. Stop letting memes dilute your knowledge of fetish porn! Jockification is the process in which nerds are forcibly and suddenly transformed into hulking, mouth-breathing idiots made of muscle and brodumb. Pun painfully intended. This process tends to involve hypnosis […]

I hope you’ve learned your lesson from the Creepy Zoo, because if not we’ve got some fresh punishments for you! The Supernanny Fanon Wiki is an endless expanse of fan-created materials, meta-materials, meta-meta-materials, and materials just plain unrelated to the reality show Supernanny. Sure, The F Plus just covered this subject, but when has that […]

Come along, dear listener, and join us for a stroll, through the dark and twisted halls of Amazon’s libraries of mystery and mayhem… Oh, no they aren’t dark and twisted like… offensive and gross. The books are bad, it’s just that Amazon’s corridors are not well lit and you can’t find your way anywhere! We’re […]

We all can’t help but be aware of omnipresent game distribution platform Steam. This titan of the market has few competitors that can stack up to it, which surely means that its dedication to quality and innovation is second to none. Or maybe just that you can shovel whatever the hell you want onto it […]

Oh hey! Lucky we caught you. We were just passing through this time on an errand for our good friend John Titor. While we’re here though, maybe we could take a short period of time to review your internet for modern time travel discourse! I’m sure it’s chock full o’ useful information about the past. […]

Short number two, coming at you! Today we’re revisiting tapas.io, the site we covered in our episode Girls on Boy on Boy. This time, Dijon Du Jour and The Heavenator are gonna be reading through I Hate My New Body, which promises plenty of bad writing and awkward gay romance. Enjoy!

Hello everyone! To help people along in these cloistered and upsetting times, we at Extra Credit decided to push ahead with an idea we’ve been mulling over. In the interest of giving you something fun and weird to listen to more often, we’re going to start releasing shorts occasionally on off weeks! The content will […]

Doomsday. Zombies. Mountain lions. Librarians. What do these things have in common? Well, the answer should be nothing, but the internet has a way of combining things that frankly should have just been left alone. Oddly Developed Types is a site dedicated to Meyers-Briggs typing. The twist? The descriptions are all framed within the framing […]