For the final part of our 100th Episode extravaganza, we return to form and read from a document, this time with all of the supporting cast of the show turning out for a heck of a good time. We asked twitter, ballp.it, and members of our community to contribute to a hodgepodge document, with a […]

Part 3 features the new crew, those who joined about 50 episodes in and we said “y’know what? I like their gumption! they really got that ‘it’ thing, see?” Dijon Du Jour, Mix, Beelzeboob and Malt bring in some content of their own that formed their sense of internet humor. Don’t tease the octopus kiddies, […]

Welcome back! Part 2 brings together people who joined up a bit midway, including host Shell Game. Chai Tea Latte, The Heavenator and THE LESBIATHAN bring together their old stories and talk at length about how the internet has changed. Readings this round include classic porn, classic crazy, surprisingly sincere efforts to reach out to […]

The time has come! At last, Extra Credit has made it to its 100th episode. As a special treat to both the audience who has been following us on this funky journey through the net and the readers alike, we’ve put together a special set of episodes that lets you get to know us a […]

We know, we know… Reddit is all the same. It’s just a bunch of opinionated, hateful, stupid assholes making shit up and getting mad at women. Well, we decided to distill it for you! r/UnpopularOpinions is a redundant subreddit where people go to tell everyone things that nobody actually asked about nor did they actually […]

Ahhh the holiday season… Sure it may be half a year away, but Extra Credit’s here to provide you with the familiar feel of familiarity. There is, however, no good will towards men here, because god dammit have you seen how they write women? Last Christmas, Shell tasked a group of wayward souls with sourcing […]

Do you ever wish you could be constantly drooling? What about getting constricted by a huge snake? Maybe you need a little caffeine shot? Well, don’t go for that iDoser! Throw away that ASMR! We’re going back to the basics with some good, ol’ fashioned hypnosis. Meet Nimja! He’s a dutch programmer that moonlights as […]

Ever feel so filthy that a shower of any length would never get clean? Well, that’s what it’s like existing as a horrid semi-sentient creature composed of whiskers, tail, and tits. And you know what? It’s pretty deplorable that you haven’t found a way to help alleviate that existential disgust. It’s almost as if you […]

Perceptive listeners will know the name “TheLordOfNyrin” upon sight and run screaming into the sunset. Luckily, we here at Extra Credit know that people frequently don’t read the episode notes before listening! What’s that? You’re reading them right now? Well fuck… Okay, TheLordOfNyrin WAS that creep who wrote the CYOC Chocolate Wizard Demigod story we […]

Hey gang! Feeling a little down? Sluggish? Tired? Drained? Lacking in any of the following: zip, pep, zazz, verve, razzmatazz, energy? Well, what if you could simply drink your sleepy li’l rut away with… Okay yes, we know you already know what energy drinks are. But did you know there’s a subreddit to talk about […]

CONTENT WARNING! These anime nerds are racist, sexist, homophobic, and transphobic. Proceed with caution! Good lord, why did we do this?! So The F Plus put on a little 24-hour stream called Garbage Day back in May and they had a donation battle hour which contained a doc so horrid, the donors quickly amassed enough money […]

You guys familiar with The F Plus? How about that Garbage Day? Well if you were present for a very eventful battle hour you’ll recall that the doc that originally won the donation war was so bad that the audience donated EVEN MORE to make them switch after ten minutes. It was quite a good […]