Here comes another short! This time, Gany and Dr. A examine the darker intentions behind Super Mario 64 by falling down a Twitter hole. Maybe we’ll find out why Luigi wasn’t there until the DS remake.

For the final part of our 100th Episode extravaganza, we return to form and read from a document, this time with all of the supporting cast of the show turning out for a heck of a good time. We asked twitter, ballp.it, and members of our community to contribute to a hodgepodge document, with a […]

Part 3 features the new crew, those who joined about 50 episodes in and we said “y’know what? I like their gumption! they really got that ‘it’ thing, see?” Dijon Du Jour, Mix, Beelzeboob and Malt bring in some content of their own that formed their sense of internet humor. Don’t tease the octopus kiddies, […]

Welcome back! Part 2 brings together people who joined up a bit midway, including host Shell Game. Chai Tea Latte, The Heavenator and THE LESBIATHAN bring together their old stories and talk at length about how the internet has changed. Readings this round include classic porn, classic crazy, surprisingly sincere efforts to reach out to […]

The time has come! At last, Extra Credit has made it to its 100th episode. As a special treat to both the audience who has been following us on this funky journey through the net and the readers alike, we’ve put together a special set of episodes that lets you get to know us a […]

You know us! When we get a topic with really interesting, standout subjects, we can’t help but drill deeper! Today’s subject, over on famed black hole of fandom, Tumblr, is objectumsexual. And she’s had her eye on a super sexy hunk of construction gear for quite some time! Let’s hunker down and get all cozy […]

Ahhh the holiday season… Sure it may be half a year away, but Extra Credit’s here to provide you with the familiar feel of familiarity. There is, however, no good will towards men here, because god dammit have you seen how they write women? Last Christmas, Shell tasked a group of wayward souls with sourcing […]

Hey, what’s your sign? Oh, you think that astrology is bogus and paying any attention to one’s sign is just a frivolous waste of time? Well, better fire up that spit for the crow you’re about to eat, because DXPnet.com is going to prove you wrong. As it happens, the astrology forums on this esteemed […]

LOOK OUT! YOU’RE UNDER ELECTROMAGNETIC ATTACK! Phew! That was a close one. The Death Towers nearly got you. Here, take this hunk of resin. Yeah, that’s metal shavings in it. What of it? Put it on your bedside table to keep you and your kids safe. Also, you’re not looking very well. Is it cancer? […]

This episode’s really going to get under your hat… 😉 Last time, we explored some fantastical fanon from a variety of Smurfs alternate universes. Well we’re back but this time in reality, or at least an alternate universe therein. As it turns out Smurfs fan artists have forums that they congregate on and yell at […]

Tumblr and identity live together in perfect harmony, Side by side on my dashboard, oh Lord, why don’t we? For years now otherkin have scurried about on the internet, building off of a myriad of junk drawer philosophies and blatantly ripping off real world religions in order to confirm to themselves and the world that, […]

Internet. The final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Extra Credit. Its continuing mission, to seek out new mindfucks and new rambling deliberations. To boldly read what no one has read before. While this episode actually has very little to do with Star Trek, it does have everything to do with the final […]