The internet has found many ways to reduce all kinds of art to bland, predictable, fetish-ridden nonsense, so why not the craft of adapting a story to be acted out? r/screenwriting is allegedly a place where people learn to write screenplays, but in practice, is that really what happens? Join us as we trip over […]

HMMPHHMMMHMMMPHPMMMMM HMMMM ! HMMMMMMMMMMMMPHMM! gasp WHEW! Sorry about that. Just getting my HOM fix. Oh what’s that? What’s HOM? You silly silly fool, HOM is an acronym for hand-over-mouth. You know… The thing where someone covers someone else’s mouth, typically to shut them up. You can’t seriously expect me to believe you’ve never felt the […]

So we’ve heard of a lot of outlandish, disgusting fetishes over the course of The F Plus and Extra Credit, so perhaps it seems strange to read a forum about a relatively tame obsession such as jeans. Well, maybe being into types of clothes is pretty common, but these jean perverts are fucking awful people! […]

Come along, dear listener, and join us for a stroll, through the dark and twisted halls of Amazon’s libraries of mystery and mayhem… Oh, no they aren’t dark and twisted like… offensive and gross. The books are bad, it’s just that Amazon’s corridors are not well lit and you can’t find your way anywhere! We’re […]

You’d think we’ve had our fill of vore, and frankly we have. But today’s subject sure hasn’t. Meet Hush the Dragon, an avid journaler over at DeviantArt and FurAffinity and one very hungry dragon. Hungry for DRAMA! How much entertainment could one young furry auteur generate over the course of a year? What kind of […]

A conlang, or constructed language, is a language invented to be used as a complete form of communication in real-world or fictional situations. The most recognizable real world conlang would likely be Esperanto, while fictional conlangs include Klingon, Elvish, and then some. Since there’s a lot of creative work to be done in the building […]

Ahhh the holiday season… Sure it may be half a year away, but Extra Credit’s here to provide you with the familiar feel of familiarity. There is, however, no good will towards men here, because god dammit have you seen how they write women? Last Christmas, Shell tasked a group of wayward souls with sourcing […]

Economic debate, dragons, literary analysis… What would happen if you put all three together and let the results have a wordpress? The answer is dancefighterredux.wordpress.com! Alephwyr, author of the blog, started dancefighterredux as a a school project. The site lay fallow for years after they dropped out, but inexplicably was revived as a platform for […]

Hey, what’s your sign? Oh, you think that astrology is bogus and paying any attention to one’s sign is just a frivolous waste of time? Well, better fire up that spit for the crow you’re about to eat, because DXPnet.com is going to prove you wrong. As it happens, the astrology forums on this esteemed […]

Some say we live in a society. Honestly, that could mean any number of things. But there’s a certain subset of reddit who thinks we should forgo this whole society thing altogether, and they are chock full of ideas as to how to do that! Meet r/anarcho_primitivism, a subreddit dedicated to the downfall of modernity […]

Let’s get steamy. Let’s get hot. Let’s get… English. Giles English, who is, from what we can tell, actually English, is back and baby he’s got this podcast on lockdown! For those who don’t know or willfully block our past episodes from their memories, Giles English is a self-published author of Chaste Erotica, the genre that […]

LOOK OUT! YOU’RE UNDER ELECTROMAGNETIC ATTACK! Phew! That was a close one. The Death Towers nearly got you. Here, take this hunk of resin. Yeah, that’s metal shavings in it. What of it? Put it on your bedside table to keep you and your kids safe. Also, you’re not looking very well. Is it cancer? […]