200 (Give or Take) Part 1

Episode 200aReleased Sep 27 2024

Wow! 200 episodes! And yes we did do 200 episodes. Real fans know. The rest will just have to deal.

Today Shell asks some of our newest readers with the oldest roots about their ancient forays into the internet of yore. Turtle, Positronic, and Spaced God take us back to a time when the community and shippers shaped the experience, rather than an algorithm and shippers.

Let’s take a journey to the seeds of the seeds of this podcast, won’t we?

With Turtle, Positronic, Spaced God, and Shell Game

Edited by Shell Game
Content provided by Turtle, Positronic, and Spaced God
Cover art by Shell Game

Subject featured

  • Portal of Evil
  • https://www.deviantart.com/lugora/art/Sora-s-Magical-Pregnancy-Ch-1-37443911
  • https://www.deviantart.com/lugora/art/Dragon-s-Betryal-30894992
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