Synchronicity is apparently when something is almost but not quite a coincidence or something. Look it really doesn’t matter. What does matter is that when things happen it’s only because all things were destined to give me a tingly feeling in the back of my head. That’s why I go to reddit and tell everyone […]

Part 2 crew, the B-team, the idea that keeps on giving… In this part, a bunch of us go back through old documents and read stuff that had been skipped over, or we dug deeper and found more new things to read that were even worse. See, we finally got around to it! Some of […]

Reddit has so many questions, particularly about the mythical beast that is woman. So powerful is Reddit’s need to Ask Women, it cannot be contained by one or even two subreddits. No, in order to facilitate conversation with EVERY possible lady query there need to be an ever-increasing amount of splinter subreddits to collect the […]

We swear we didn’t plan it this way, it just happened this episode was done after the last! Want more Reddit but less semen? Well we might not be able to promise NO semen, but this old doc from the archives promises less. r/edgingtalk is lesser than r/semenretention but still better than r/nofap, who are […]

Reddit is full of guys who are all pent up with… What did you think we were gonna say? Rage? Resentment? Gamer words? Well those are all fitting, but no. The word we were going to end that sentence with was semen! This may seem like a mean-spirited dig at their sexual prowess, but that […]

Ever think about reality? Are things as they seem, or are they actually a near-seamless tapestry of programming and mental conditioning? And if the latter, then why does our hardware fuck up so often? r/GlitchInTheMatrix purports that indeed the world we are in is not the world we are in, but in fact a simulated […]

Gather round ye vvitches and vvarlocks and take in what Reddit has to offer on the science of Magick… Once upon a time, three wise folk showed up at the door of Extra Credit: The Heavenator with gifts of online nonsense, THE LESBIATHAN with gifts of Reddit gold, and “Magician’s Read” with gifts of murrrrr… […]

There’s the bell! Get back in the corner. You looked pathetic out there. Every hook hit, every bob weaved, and not a single bulge in your opponent’s trunks. What? Wait is that not a win condition in boxing? Aren’t you supposed to be doing so well that the other boxer is so overcome with arousal […]

Reddit is home to many bitter men with short tempers, but did you ever think about how it also is home to bitter men with short statures? r/short is a subreddit in which mostly men, some women, but mostly men, from about 5’2″ to 5’10” complain about how women don’t want to fuck them because […]

The internet has found many ways to reduce all kinds of art to bland, predictable, fetish-ridden nonsense, so why not the craft of adapting a story to be acted out? r/screenwriting is allegedly a place where people learn to write screenplays, but in practice, is that really what happens? Join us as we trip over […]

Oh hey! Lucky we caught you. We were just passing through this time on an errand for our good friend John Titor. While we’re here though, maybe we could take a short period of time to review your internet for modern time travel discourse! I’m sure it’s chock full o’ useful information about the past. […]

Look, I know you’re all sick of this subject, but The F Plus won’t cover it so we have to have YET ANOTHER EPISODE ON VORE. So go ahead and put on your bibs and get ready for some sloppy seconds as we force feed Boots some small living creatures so that maybe he’ll finally […]