Despite what the posts we read from the internet would suggest, people on the internet sometimes actually read books. Books that people care about. Classics, if you will. What’s a classic? Whatever’s tagged as classic on Goodreads, obviously! Let’s figure out which some classics are much reviled by the sharp-minded, sharp-tongued folks over at Goodreads, […]

In this short (genuinely a short!), Frank West shares with us the final entry in an edition of the Year’s Best Fantasy collection. Enjoy?

A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, a bunch of bullshit words were said or not said prompting countless nerds and losers to catalog every single one of them. Yeah, that’s all you’re getting from us, reference-wise. Wookiepedia is a place where Star Wars detritus goes to live forever, sorted into […]

The process of childbearing/birth is something often described as a miracle. It’s little surprise then that people on the internet are turned on by it. But what if, and stay with me here folks, what if a man could get pregnant? Sorry what? Trans men? Fucking shut up you piece of shit. We’re not talking […]

Porn comes in every variety in high volumes. You can’t shake a dick without finding someone who wants to help you cum. It’s so hard to know the good from the bad, though. There has to be a better way! Too bad all we have is members of the internet using their rudimentary writing skills […]

Fragrantica is a place that talks about perfume. There. Okay it’s also filled with lunatics who pretend they know what they smell like because they’re told what they smell like by lunatics who have no idea what they smell like. Anyway, here’s an episode. This week, Extra Credit is $107.93 for 9.2 oz.

We all know furries, in both senses of the term. For all the good and the bad, it is a community of no small repute. Which is why it stands to reason they write a bunch of poetry! That’s right, you thought this was just some ho-hum furry episode? Think again! The auteurs at furaffinity.net […]

You may think that the natural opposite of bimbofication is himbofication but that’s stupid and wrong. Stop letting memes dilute your knowledge of fetish porn! Jockification is the process in which nerds are forcibly and suddenly transformed into hulking, mouth-breathing idiots made of muscle and brodumb. Pun painfully intended. This process tends to involve hypnosis […]

Once again, Extra Credit hops into our trusty time machine and rediscovers the magic of answering a how-to question with way too many words and pictures. What else needs to be said? WikiHow, here we come! This week, Extra Credit is tracking if you could come out and play. KID GANG!

Ever find yourself without a personality or interest in human beings but still desperately in need of one to talk to you sometimes and ask for money? Care to sweeten the deal with regular cash for regular dates? Well we’re about to pour some sugar on you! Seeking Arrangement, or otherwise stylized “Seeking”, is a […]

You ever think about what you’ll do in a post-apocalyptic setting? The fall of man, the collapse of civilization, that sorta thing? Obviously it’s simultaneously a real and harrowing concept and also a ridiculous exercise in overly wrought paranoia. Well, knowing us, we’re more interested in the people on the latter end of that spectrum. […]

Content warning: SELF-HARM, Racism, Homophobia, Ableism; YouTube is a strange beast, and apparently people still make huge dollars off of things that aren’t just algorithm scraping bewilderment and nightmarish reskins of stock animations. Some people bilk advertisers out of their money through the power of obnoxious 12 year olds. One such person that has harnessed […]