You are cordially invited to a murder! The Delete Lover’s Shrine was a fan community for the PBS cartoon Cyberchase. Designed to teach kids about math, problem solving, and probably computers, Cyberchase featured three kids who would wander through “cyberspace” and foil the plans of The Hacker and his robot underlings Buzz and Delete. Unfortunately, […]
Let’s face it. Sex is hard. It’s impossible to meet someone, let alone fuck someone. And sometimes, that gets hard to deal with, so one needs an escape. Luckily for every single one of us, Newgrounds continues to host the illustrious Meet N Fuck visual novel series to this day. The enduring set of games […]
Making friends on the internet is fun! But what if, instead of friends, you made awkward acquaintances with a sex clown? Yeah. We got your number. Meet Amazing Ferret, a moderator of r/sexypenpals and innuendo artist extraordinaire! She spends a great deal of time crafting settings and plots to entice the lonely hearts of reddit […]