Ages ago, in the before-times, we covered the site Monster Girl Unlimited. Unfortunately, that site died. But that’s okay because it was NOT AN OFFICIALLY RECOGNIZED SOURCE OF CANONICAL MONSTER GIRL INFORMATION. Now, Monster Girl Encyclopedia? THAT is the source of all the hot new Monster Girl facts as declared by the MGE creator Kenkou. […]

Amazon. Land of bottomless products. Future owner of United States Megametro 2. Current owner of Seattle. What can be said about this omnipresent retail empire? Not much we haven’t already heard. What can be said to this omnipresent retail empire? Well, not much that we haven’t already heard there either, but that won’t stop aggrieved consumers from […]

Hedonism 2 is a sex resort with a nude beach, mirrors above the beds, and a clientele that doesn’t seem to fully understand what any of those things mean. Their reviews, both the good and the bad, make that painfully clear. Join us as we learn about this Jamaican hotel, its (not very) colorful patrons, […]

Remember zity.biz? You know, the place where a lady laboriously described mummifying her husband for kink purposes? Well we’re back! And this time it’s all enemas, baby! Get ready to clear out your insides while also having an excuse to have your wife shove something up your butt and apply pressure. If enema business isn’t […]

A special question to the cis guys out there: you ever think to yourself “boy… I sure am jealous that my girlfriend/wife can conceivably produce milk from her breasts. That is something I would find quite arousing if it were possible for me to do as well.” and then sigh in resignation as your soul […]