For the final part of our 100th Episode extravaganza, we return to form and read from a document, this time with all of the supporting cast of the show turning out for a heck of a good time. We asked twitter, ballp.it, and members of our community to contribute to a hodgepodge document, with a […]

Part 3 features the new crew, those who joined about 50 episodes in and we said “y’know what? I like their gumption! they really got that ‘it’ thing, see?” Dijon Du Jour, Mix, Beelzeboob and Malt bring in some content of their own that formed their sense of internet humor. Don’t tease the octopus kiddies, […]

The time has come! At last, Extra Credit has made it to its 100th episode. As a special treat to both the audience who has been following us on this funky journey through the net and the readers alike, we’ve put together a special set of episodes that lets you get to know us a […]

It’s a dark and stormy night for a short, so you clods better be grateful! Lesbiathan is about to regale you with some Steven Universe noir fic. This promises to be the first in a series.

Hello everyone! To help people along in these cloistered and upsetting times, we at Extra Credit decided to push ahead with an idea we’ve been mulling over. In the interest of giving you something fun and weird to listen to more often, we’re going to start releasing shorts occasionally on off weeks! The content will […]

You thought we were done howling with Lunarwolf? Well… You’re right. There’s no howling in this episode. What there is though is a buncha quills, transformation, and nimbleness. Meet Monstermaster18, deviantArt connoisseur of figures with large personalities. He is the perpetrator of many crimes, but those we are discussing today have to do with two very specific […]

Close the blinds, dim the lights, and huddle up close to your podcast player of choice! We’re about to get SPOOKY! Creepypasta, the drawn out, dying meme-dium that originated as dumb shit you copied from 4chan and spiraled into inane stories about whatever cartoon or video game you want, is still around and finding all […]

Fandom never changes… The Smurfs was a cartoon from the 80s, based on a comic from the 50s, that spawned two movies in the 2010s for no particular reason. Even though there’s very little to say about the cartoon antics of the small blue creatures and their mushroom houses, the cartoon ran for nearly a […]