We top off our 200-ennieal extravaganza with another Hodgepode Documodge! Join us as we dive into the offerings of Secret Gaygent 69, the lizzerd, and more! Thanks for listening for ~200 ‘sodes, the next 200 are on us! (as were the last 200. we got a lot of ‘sodes to give away, only mildly past […]

A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, a bunch of bullshit words were said or not said prompting countless nerds and losers to catalog every single one of them. Yeah, that’s all you’re getting from us, reference-wise. Wookiepedia is a place where Star Wars detritus goes to live forever, sorted into […]

The Sims is a game about creating digital dolls and making them cheat on each other until they die in a fire caused by some moron making mac and cheese. Except it’s actually about so much more. The Sims discussion forums are filled with people sharing their complaints, perhaps some triumphs, and mostly their fetishes. […]

The fanon wikis keep on coming! The Pooh’s Adventure Wiki is a sprawling dimensional crossover fanfiction with Disney’s Winnie the Pooh at the center of it all. Allegedly. While Pooh et al are mentioned in passing, a lot of what we’re reading seems to have more to do with the outside characters than anything Disney. […]

Once upon a time Depending on your zone There came into being An archive of our own A place to free fiction from censorship most dire Where incest and pedophilia Often transpire Fans so fervent But so imprudent Celebrate their ships As poetry students And so we compiled Their torturous rhyme To mock and ask […]

Bionicle, short for Biological Chronicle, is a briefly-lived sub-brand of Lego that featured a lot of robotic, cyborg-like something or others (it’s never fully explained what they are). But what if you could get more words on the subject? So many more words. Get ready to “learn” as much as you can handle about Toas, […]

Dijon Du Jour and Secret Gaygent 69 birthed twin documents after several nights of “doc making”. Neither remembered it because it happened in a dream, a convenient fiction. Now forget about all that and get ready for some nonsense. The Dream Fiction Wiki is a place where fan canon is developed and compiled for fictional […]

Content warning: SELF-HARM, Racism, Homophobia, Ableism; YouTube is a strange beast, and apparently people still make huge dollars off of things that aren’t just algorithm scraping bewilderment and nightmarish reskins of stock animations. Some people bilk advertisers out of their money through the power of obnoxious 12 year olds. One such person that has harnessed […]

Close the blinds, dim the lights, and huddle up close to your podcast player of choice! We’re about to get SPOOKY! Creepypasta, the drawn out, dying meme-dium that originated as dumb shit you copied from 4chan and spiraled into inane stories about whatever cartoon or video game you want, is still around and finding all […]

This episode’s really going to get under your hat… 😉 Last time, we explored some fantastical fanon from a variety of Smurfs alternate universes. Well we’re back but this time in reality, or at least an alternate universe therein. As it turns out Smurfs fan artists have forums that they congregate on and yell at […]

Fandom never changes… The Smurfs was a cartoon from the 80s, based on a comic from the 50s, that spawned two movies in the 2010s for no particular reason. Even though there’s very little to say about the cartoon antics of the small blue creatures and their mushroom houses, the cartoon ran for nearly a […]