alt.horror.werewolves was once a place where Usenet members could post about werewolf movies. Then a bunch of furries took over and started talking exclusively about being werewolves. In order to get people to stop expecting discussion about horror movies and instead expect serious discussion about someday seeing the real them in the mirror and how […]

Jesus loves the little forum users. Probably. The Christian Teen Forums is a place on the internet that begs the question “A forum for Christian Teens? What could possibly go wrong?!” And then you read it and you say “Oh right. Obviously all of this could possibly go wrong. And has!” You have your doctrinal […]

Part 2 crew, the B-team, the idea that keeps on giving… In this part, a bunch of us go back through old documents and read stuff that had been skipped over, or we dug deeper and found more new things to read that were even worse. See, we finally got around to it! Some of […]

If there’s one thing that can be said about science and the internet as a whole, it’s that they have never tried to figured out just how penises work. It’s the big gaping hole in our biological and sociological knowledge and who better than a smattering of men obsessed with their nocturnal emissions to rectify […]

WikiHow is back and it’s WikiHower than ever! We return to the podcast family’s sweetheart site to discover even more helpful tips for problems such as how to ride an elevator or how to make a psi ball. WikiHow will this turn out? This week, Extra Credit is petitioning Congress to change the letters E […]

You may think that the natural opposite of bimbofication is himbofication but that’s stupid and wrong. Stop letting memes dilute your knowledge of fetish porn! Jockification is the process in which nerds are forcibly and suddenly transformed into hulking, mouth-breathing idiots made of muscle and brodumb. Pun painfully intended. This process tends to involve hypnosis […]

Though each passing generation witnesses great shifts and turmoil, one thing never changes: teens love to complain. Enter Rant Rampage, a site for people to rant about whatever, whenever, to an audience of no one. We here at Extra Credit decided it had been too long since we had engaged in our favorite pastime: laughing […]

Wow! A live, on-location reading! Eugene is Shell’s hometown. It’s also the home of a wide variety of new age retro hippies that enjoy flowery prose and crystal-y medicines to counter the hustle and bustle of the rest of the world. They also are kooky, filled with even kookier healthcare practitioners, poets, and people who […]

Once again, Extra Credit hops into our trusty time machine and rediscovers the magic of answering a how-to question with way too many words and pictures. What else needs to be said? WikiHow, here we come! This week, Extra Credit is tracking if you could come out and play. KID GANG!

Amazon. Land of bottomless products. Future owner of United States Megametro 2. Current owner of Seattle. What can be said about this omnipresent retail empire? Not much we haven’t already heard. What can be said to this omnipresent retail empire? Well, not much that we haven’t already heard there either, but that won’t stop aggrieved consumers from […]

Come along, dear listener, and join us for a stroll, through the dark and twisted halls of Amazon’s libraries of mystery and mayhem… Oh, no they aren’t dark and twisted like… offensive and gross. The books are bad, it’s just that Amazon’s corridors are not well lit and you can’t find your way anywhere! We’re […]

Are you ready to have kids? Frankly it can happen when you least expect it. A condom could break, a pill could fail, or a completely different personality can manifest in your mind that only occasionally comes out to demand potatoes for dinner. Syskids, or system kids, are how one refers to the alters within […]