Join the Extra Credit players and acclaimed director/producer Dijon Du Jour as we perform an untitled, unsigned play cataloging the travails of an adult baby and his longsuffering wife.

Hey, you ever played Pokémon? Yeah? Us too. Ever play the Mystery Dungeon games? Yeah? Us too. Ever wanna fuck a latex Charizard? Yeah? Um… Pokémon is a subject we’ve frequently evoked on the podcast, and I think we’re all familiar with the property, the li’l monsters, the way the internet wants to fuck every […]

We cover worldbuilding a lot on this podcast, but what about alternate history? What of the boundless art of reimagining boundaries in our political spheres and tracing a speculative line through history that asks “what if?” in a meaningful way? Well, it’s the internet so of course it’s bullshit. Hatsunia is a garbage idea by […]

Reddit is home to many bitter men with short tempers, but did you ever think about how it also is home to bitter men with short statures? r/short is a subreddit in which mostly men, some women, but mostly men, from about 5’2″ to 5’10” complain about how women don’t want to fuck them because […]

Amazon. Land of bottomless products. Future owner of United States Megametro 2. Current owner of Seattle. What can be said about this omnipresent retail empire? Not much we haven’t already heard. What can be said to this omnipresent retail empire? Well, not much that we haven’t already heard there either, but that won’t stop aggrieved consumers from […]

Hedonism 2 is a sex resort with a nude beach, mirrors above the beds, and a clientele that doesn’t seem to fully understand what any of those things mean. Their reviews, both the good and the bad, make that painfully clear. Join us as we learn about this Jamaican hotel, its (not very) colorful patrons, […]

Remember zity.biz? You know, the place where a lady laboriously described mummifying her husband for kink purposes? Well we’re back! And this time it’s all enemas, baby! Get ready to clear out your insides while also having an excuse to have your wife shove something up your butt and apply pressure. If enema business isn’t […]

A special question to the cis guys out there: you ever think to yourself “boy… I sure am jealous that my girlfriend/wife can conceivably produce milk from her breasts. That is something I would find quite arousing if it were possible for me to do as well.” and then sigh in resignation as your soul […]

Kazemaru is a furry who has a lot of questions about life, Star Fox, and just about anything else you can think a furry online could want to know! Here’s just a few of them!

The internet has found many ways to reduce all kinds of art to bland, predictable, fetish-ridden nonsense, so why not the craft of adapting a story to be acted out? r/screenwriting is allegedly a place where people learn to write screenplays, but in practice, is that really what happens? Join us as we trip over […]

HMMPHHMMMHMMMPHPMMMMM HMMMM ! HMMMMMMMMMMMMPHMM! gasp WHEW! Sorry about that. Just getting my HOM fix. Oh what’s that? What’s HOM? You silly silly fool, HOM is an acronym for hand-over-mouth. You know… The thing where someone covers someone else’s mouth, typically to shut them up. You can’t seriously expect me to believe you’ve never felt the […]

TV dinners leaving you feeling cold? Well, take that op-onion and chop it up for all the internet to see! I mean, you certainly don’t want them in your meal. Surely your e-tears will win over the CEO of Marie Callendar’s who is on the other end, reviewing all feedback left on various sites such […]