Jesus loves the little forum users. Probably. The Christian Teen Forums is a place on the internet that begs the question “A forum for Christian Teens? What could possibly go wrong?!” And then you read it and you say “Oh right. Obviously all of this could possibly go wrong. And has!” You have your doctrinal […]

You might all think the internet is just a place for messy queer representation and inflated Chilly (Bluey’s mom, keep up people) but actually the internet is filled with examples of brave souls trying to save American society from itself. The ChildCare Action Project: Christian Analysis of American Culture Ministry (CAP Ministry) is a place […]

The Villains Wiki is yet another compilation wiki categorizing everything in media that has ever been cast as a villain. They have slightly better quality standards than you’d imagine. The Villains Fanon Wiki is yet another compilation wiki categorizing everything in internet memes and creepypasta that has ever been cast as a villain while also […]

Remember therians? Yeah, the people who think they’re animals trapped in human bodies, harkening back to an analogy used strictly to convince doctors that trans people “really meant it,” but using it instead for some dumb internet bullshit. Felkes, a wolf/snow leopard hybrid therian, is one such person who has such an experience, and such […]

Economic debate, dragons, literary analysis… What would happen if you put all three together and let the results have a wordpress? The answer is dancefighterredux.wordpress.com! Alephwyr, author of the blog, started dancefighterredux as a a school project. The site lay fallow for years after they dropped out, but inexplicably was revived as a platform for […]

We all feel a little superior from time to time, but on Tumblr you can really let your holier-than-thou side shine. I mean that literally! #actuallydivine is a safe and kind place for Tumblr’s gods and goddesses to settle down and find themselves and others like them. No, not insanely popular posters or prolific artists, actual gods! That’s […]

Hey! Who here LOVES diapers?! Come on, don’t be shy! It’s ok to just say you sit around in your own filth because you get off to thoughts of you as a baby. That’s between you and God. Seriously, God’s cool with it! At least that’s what this weirdo over at intodiapers.blogspot.com says, and he […]

Internet. The final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Extra Credit. Its continuing mission, to seek out new mindfucks and new rambling deliberations. To boldly read what no one has read before. While this episode actually has very little to do with Star Trek, it does have everything to do with the final […]