Hey did you know there are other tabletop games you could play that aren’t Dungeons and Dragons? If the answer isn’t “uh, obviously” then you probably have a vague idea that maybe some kind of superhero-based game exists or something and you’re just not ready for something that complex, so you’ll just stick to the […]

Five Nights at Freddy’s was a bad jump scare horror game about animatronic mascot characters who kill you or something. This trend has exploded into a disgustingly bloated pustule of fan games and ripoffs to the point that Secret Gaygent 69 plays them for us sometimes and he never runs out of content. So we’re […]

The process of childbearing/birth is something often described as a miracle. It’s little surprise then that people on the internet are turned on by it. But what if, and stay with me here folks, what if a man could get pregnant? Sorry what? Trans men? Fucking shut up you piece of shit. We’re not talking […]

Here we are at the finale of our very first (and possibly last) mini-series, where we dip into the Poisonous lake of social commentary and …. queer? th….eory????? Yeah no okay this is just about how the Satsui no Hado is repressed sexual energy. Enjoy and thanks!

During a specific two year gap around 2011, the facile whims of fandom were fixated on a few particular properties. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Portal 2, True Blood, and of course… The CENSORSHIP taking place on TV Tropes regarding the purge of fetish-related materials and the subsequent migration efforts to save every listing of […]

The Gender and Sexuality communities of Tumblr have been in flux (not the suffix they attatch to every other word, it’s just honestly changed hands many times.) Having founded and abandoned the LGBTA Wiki, they went on to a site called EZGENDER. This too was left to lie fallow as the trendy hipsetters were soon […]

We all know furries, in both senses of the term. For all the good and the bad, it is a community of no small repute. Which is why it stands to reason they write a bunch of poetry! That’s right, you thought this was just some ho-hum furry episode? Think again! The auteurs at furaffinity.net […]

You know what they say, you can’t judge a book by its cover. But you can judge a book by its readership. Enter Goodreads. As you likely are aware, Goodreads is a site where people who read and write can post the books they’ve read or written and provide reviews, that either tell you the […]

Once upon a time Depending on your zone There came into being An archive of our own A place to free fiction from censorship most dire Where incest and pedophilia Often transpire Fans so fervent But so imprudent Celebrate their ships As poetry students And so we compiled Their torturous rhyme To mock and ask […]

Gay romance has been a controversial and at times even dangerously illegal variety of literature and film for centuries now, but one subset of the genre has found strength and acceptance in the community they built around it, forging a future for the maligned media… And it’s mostly straight women. The Yaoi Otaku Forums is […]

How’s your love life? Dead? Well you’re not alone! The internet is filled with very real, very sexy tales of ghosts, ghouls, skeletons, and demons that pull their blankets or make them look at porn. If that sounds hot to you, well you’re a fool because ghosts are cold. Join us on an adventure across […]

Deep in the recesses of Archive Of Our Own is a stream that runs eternal, with force so powerful it demolishes that which it creates only to recreate it and demolish it again. Words flow freely here, but most of them are about one thing. One man. Chris Redfield is apparently a character from the […]