Over the holidays, Dijon and Heave had a chance to visit THE LESBIATHAN for merriment and an exchange of recipes. By “exchange” we mean, of course, inflict and by “recipes” we mean, of course, monstrosities. Follow along as two chefs serve up a helping of harm while THE LESBIATHAN does what she does best–suffer.

Happy Halloween! Mwahahahahaha! Ready to be supremely spooked? Well on the internet, there’s only one place to go if you’re looking for fast fright and total terror… Well okay, for INTENTIONAL total terror. That’s right. CREEPYPASTA WIKIS. Get ready for some very, very “good” stories about some very, very bad happenings. Beware though, listener! If […]

Ahhh the holiday season… Sure it may be half a year away, but Extra Credit’s here to provide you with the familiar feel of familiarity. There is, however, no good will towards men here, because god dammit have you seen how they write women? Last Christmas, Shell tasked a group of wayward souls with sourcing […]

It’s almost March! Let’s celebrate Halloween. So a buncha us decided rather than go to a party or watch scary movies or fall asleep and leaving kids outside wondering if we’re giving candy or not, we would just sit down in front of our computers and read stupid shit from the internet. Yeah, it surprised […]

Perceptive listeners will know the name “TheLordOfNyrin” upon sight and run screaming into the sunset. Luckily, we here at Extra Credit know that people frequently don’t read the episode notes before listening! What’s that? You’re reading them right now? Well fuck… Okay, TheLordOfNyrin WAS that creep who wrote the CYOC Chocolate Wizard Demigod story we […]

Season’s Feedings! That’s right! We didn’t get our fill last time, so Extra Credit has decided to chow down on yet another feast of filth and fat. Inspired by perhaps the first ever document of Mix’s dumped by The F Plus, we arranged for a smorgasbord of stories and methods regarding stuffing and inflation to […]