On the internet, we often find ourselves inundated with impressively bad erotica. But did you know that before the internet people were also bad at writing flirtation, foreplay, sex, and fetish play? Okay, but did you know they were also GAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?! Hommi Publishing is on a mission to catalog gay pulp romance novels from the […]

The 90s: A time of Tamagotchis, Talkboy tape recorders, and, yes, magazines about video games. These relics of a bygone era form the heart of our culture in a way only consumerism can manage. Some come along with us as we travel twixt the years 1991 and 2001 through words and song, though with the […]

Once upon a time, the internet wasn’t. People read these weird things made of paper and kids in particular were attracted to the things that were made completely of paper but also offered a free bauble for their purchase. Comics, also known as the Bible to Marvel Fans (in that they frequently foam at the […]

Wow! A live, on-location reading! Eugene is Shell’s hometown. It’s also the home of a wide variety of new age retro hippies that enjoy flowery prose and crystal-y medicines to counter the hustle and bustle of the rest of the world. They also are kooky, filled with even kookier healthcare practitioners, poets, and people who […]

We all know those stuffy Victorian types were huge disgusting perverts, but did you know they were just as bereft of understanding for the human body, proper health, and general creativity as we are today? The Pearl was a 19th century publication dedicated to “poetry”, “stories”, “songs”, and “jokes” of the blue persuasion. Named with […]

HOLIDAY SURPRISE! Remember when The F Plus recorded Episode 231 The Hedgehog? The episode where they go through Sonic the Hedgehog fanon? Yeah, those people are pretty dumb with all their weird made-up characters and arbitrary rules… Haha, what could ever have made them like that? Well, have you ever heard of the canon of […]

Welcome back! Part 2 brings together people who joined up a bit midway, including host Shell Game. Chai Tea Latte, The Heavenator and THE LESBIATHAN bring together their old stories and talk at length about how the internet has changed. Readings this round include classic porn, classic crazy, surprisingly sincere efforts to reach out to […]

The time has come! At last, Extra Credit has made it to its 100th episode. As a special treat to both the audience who has been following us on this funky journey through the net and the readers alike, we’ve put together a special set of episodes that lets you get to know us a […]

This episode’s really going to get under your hat… Last time, we explored some fantastical fanon from a variety of Smurfs alternate universes. Well we’re back but this time in reality, or at least an alternate universe therein. As it turns out Smurfs fan artists have forums that they congregate on and yell at […]

The internet is known for its myriad methods for procuring porn. But did you know that you can also use it to make porn more inaccessible and impersonal? That’s right! NiteFlirt is the internet’s premiere web database for phone sex operators that can fit your every desire! Wanna be called names and told to do […]