We swear we didn’t plan it this way, it just happened this episode was done after the last! Want more Reddit but less semen? Well we might not be able to promise NO semen, but this old doc from the archives promises less. r/edgingtalk is lesser than r/semenretention but still better than r/nofap, who are […]

Reddit is full of guys who are all pent up with… What did you think we were gonna say? Rage? Resentment? Gamer words? Well those are all fitting, but no. The word we were going to end that sentence with was semen! This may seem like a mean-spirited dig at their sexual prowess, but that […]

During a specific two year gap around 2011, the facile whims of fandom were fixated on a few particular properties. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Portal 2, True Blood, and of course… The CENSORSHIP taking place on TV Tropes regarding the purge of fetish-related materials and the subsequent migration efforts to save every listing of […]

We braved the mechanical oddities of Chrono Cross’ game design, now to confront the twisty time-travel confusion that is Chrono Cross’ plot. In a document written by Dijon Du Jour, Dijon explains the general overview of Chrono Cross as it happens. Or sometimes as it doesn’t happen. Or sometimes still as it once happened but […]

Hey what if we just took a little time to talk about a video game? Chrono Cross is the sequel to the world-renowned, critically-acclaimed single-player RPG Chrono Trigger. Having made the jump from 2-D to 3-D the game also made a few leaps regarding mechanics and storytelling. The former is a mystery that baffles Chronocrossology […]

Wikipedia is a wealth of information (provided the dudes who make up editing leadership think your subject is relevant), a massive compendium of facts and concepts put together by many, many people providing a little of this or a lot of that. But how do these editors manage to communicate with each other in such […]

The Gender and Sexuality communities of Tumblr have been in flux (not the suffix they attatch to every other word, it’s just honestly changed hands many times.) Having founded and abandoned the LGBTA Wiki, they went on to a site called EZGENDER. This too was left to lie fallow as the trendy hipsetters were soon […]

WikiHow is back and it’s WikiHower than ever! We return to the podcast family’s sweetheart site to discover even more helpful tips for problems such as how to ride an elevator or how to make a psi ball. WikiHow will this turn out? This week, Extra Credit is petitioning Congress to change the letters E […]

The Sims is a game about creating digital dolls and making them cheat on each other until they die in a fire caused by some moron making mac and cheese. Except it’s actually about so much more. The Sims discussion forums are filled with people sharing their complaints, perhaps some triumphs, and mostly their fetishes. […]

This episode features a story about a lot of things. It’s about Hamilton. (kinda) It’s about Harry Potter. (not really) It’s about making THE LESBIATHAN angry. (very) It’s about Hamtaro/Kingdom Hearts crossovers. (not nearly enough) It’s about friends who probably only like you for the fame and also your brother can spy because he’s an […]

Dr. (not really) Judith C. McMath was once a huckster and spouter of new age bullshit, but her website went offline in 2013. She provided great wisdom in her time, such as the fraudulence of Louis Pasteur and how bad vibes give you cancer. In fact, we once read this information to you all, but […]

We all know furries, in both senses of the term. For all the good and the bad, it is a community of no small repute. Which is why it stands to reason they write a bunch of poetry! That’s right, you thought this was just some ho-hum furry episode? Think again! The auteurs at furaffinity.net […]