Despite what the posts we read from the internet would suggest, people on the internet sometimes actually read books. Books that people care about. Classics, if you will. What’s a classic? Whatever’s tagged as classic on Goodreads, obviously! Let’s figure out which some classics are much reviled by the sharp-minded, sharp-tongued folks over at Goodreads, […]

You might all think the internet is just a place for messy queer representation and inflated Chilly (Bluey’s mom, keep up people) but actually the internet is filled with examples of brave souls trying to save American society from itself. The ChildCare Action Project: Christian Analysis of American Culture Ministry (CAP Ministry) is a place […]

Amazon. Land of bottomless products. Future owner of United States Megametro 2. Current owner of Seattle. What can be said about this omnipresent retail empire? Not much we haven’t already heard. What can be said to this omnipresent retail empire? Well, not much that we haven’t already heard there either, but that won’t stop aggrieved consumers from […]

Hedonism 2 is a sex resort with a nude beach, mirrors above the beds, and a clientele that doesn’t seem to fully understand what any of those things mean. Their reviews, both the good and the bad, make that painfully clear. Join us as we learn about this Jamaican hotel, its (not very) colorful patrons, […]

TV dinners leaving you feeling cold? Well, take that op-onion and chop it up for all the internet to see! I mean, you certainly don’t want them in your meal. Surely your e-tears will win over the CEO of Marie Callendar’s who is on the other end, reviewing all feedback left on various sites such […]

We all can’t help but be aware of omnipresent game distribution platform Steam. This titan of the market has few competitors that can stack up to it, which surely means that its dedication to quality and innovation is second to none. Or maybe just that you can shovel whatever the hell you want onto it […]