Awhile back, we covered the Erowid Experience Project, a site where people do drugs and catalog it for science or something. Well, the trip reports they have there are sometimes very, very long and in order to give this one its due attention we resorted to a full episode on just one trip report, a […]

Beauty Flow by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/5025-beauty-flow License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

We’ve all heard about drugs, but have you considered that anything can be a drug? Yeah, neither did we. But the members of the Erowid Experience Vault sure have! Erowid Experience Vault is a place for drug enthusiasts and their surrounding circles to take drugs and detail how they were affected, often taking special delineations […]

Once upon a time, there was a doc maker named Montrith. She was a prolific doc provider, capable of delivering the most weird of terrible internet. So good was she, it was seldom that a doc of hers was passed over. There exists, however, one such fabled doc, dumped likely due to length, that catalogs […]