Vinny Possum

Vinny Possum's self-summary

Vinny Possum is a gorgeous 3 foot 9 inch tall individual who could easily pass as a human being. They have long, frisky hair the color of a coffee pot, and unintelligible eyes. They are currently on the prowl for a lucky partner to date, kill, and fuck (in that order).

What Vinny Possum is doing with their life

Vinny Possum runs a succesful pair of hairy legs harvesting farm. The process is a trade secret, but the results clearly speak for themselves. Every day, Vinny Possum selects the most shivering pair of hairy legs, and loads up the back seat of their car with the prized harvet. They then sell the pair of hairy legs at a local market, which fetches a pretty penny.

Vinny Possum also is part of a comedy podcast

Vinny Possum is really good at

Having an orgasm face that looks speedily sexy.

Vinny Possum spends a lot of time thinking about

The legality of their business, and what to do when a pair of hairy legs turns out to be more wild than shivering.

You should message Vinny Possum if

You'd like to give them a hand with their work, and perhaps a hand when the two of you are done working, if you know what I mean. Vinny Possum would also like to hear from you if you've recently passed your bar exam, or if you're looking to make money without asking too many questions.

Vinny Possum has appeared in:

Short: Adult Baby Act 3

Documents provided:

Atlas Rawred