We top off our 200-ennieal extravaganza with another Hodgepode Documodge! Join us as we dive into the offerings of Secret Gaygent 69, the lizzerd, and more! Thanks for listening for ~200 ‘sodes, the next 200 are on us! (as were the last 200. we got a lot of ‘sodes to give away, only mildly past […]

Once upon a time Depending on your zone There came into being An archive of our own A place to free fiction from censorship most dire Where incest and pedophilia Often transpire Fans so fervent But so imprudent Celebrate their ships As poetry students And so we compiled Their torturous rhyme To mock and ask […]

Normal: a social construct designed to assess the most commonplace outlooks, beliefs, activities and happenings. Being such a relative concept, one is often forced to ask a rather philosophical question about what exactly normal is. Though a true ideal normal can never be attained, we still struggle to understand, for good and for bad, the […]