Weed Like To Tell You About Valhalla
March 27, 2020
Once upon a time, there was a doc maker named Montrith. She was a prolific doc provider, capable of delivering the most weird of terrible internet. So good was she, it was seldom that a doc of hers was passed over. There exists, however, one such fabled doc, dumped likely due to length, that catalogs […]
Belushin It Out
January 31, 2020
You thought we were done howling with Lunarwolf? Well… You’re right. There’s no howling in this episode. What there is though is a buncha quills, transformation, and nimbleness. Meet Monstermaster18, deviantArt connoisseur of figures with large personalities. He is the perpetrator of many crimes, but those we are discussing today have to do with two very specific […]